Wednesday, 11 November 2020

We shall not forget them.

 Remembering, on the 11th hour of the 11th month. 

My picture taken at the Church in South Ferriby on the 2nd of November 2020. 

Back later.  ilona


  1. God bless all our veterans worldwide!!!!!

  2. God Bless them all.For the first time,in my adult life,I was unable to buy a poppy which made me sad.The ones I usually buy are always taken every year to my Grandads grave.xx

  3. So few people wearing poppies this year. Very sad.

  4. As always, they have my deepest respect and gratitude for the sacrifices they made.

  5. Here in Canada we take our Remembrance Day observances very seriously. Whole Foods Market (owned by Jeff Bazos/Amazon) found that out the hard way! My family and I couldn't attend a service in person as the public was restricted due to Covid, but we observed a minute of silence while watching the ceremony on TV, as a flypast went directly over our home. Lest we Forget.


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