Sunday, 15 November 2020


 I woke up this morning, early, with something on my mind. I have to put it into words before it disappears. I made a mug of coffee, turned on the computer, had a flit around, what else is going on. Now my words don't seem so important. 

It's not yet light, I might go for a walk, nobody about this early on a Sunday morning. Best time to go for a walk. I might have a go at putting the words together. It is important that I get this written down. 

It's all well and good to write chitter chatter, if that's what floats your boat. I do it sometimes, just write anything to fill a space, always putting off the more important issues. I can be a deep thinking person, and can also be frivolous and scatty. I think that's a good thing. Many people misunderstand me. How can you make judgements about someone you don't know? I don't understand that. 

I will try and put my words together, it may take a while. 

Catch ya later.  ilona


  1. You would need Noahs Ark to be outside here this morning! - It's Pouring

    1. I need to eat before I go a walk, and now I have had my breakfast, it's raining. So it's plan 'b'. Make some more rope out of fabric.

  2. You're very right about writing chitter chatter vs. something about deeper issues. I tend to avoid getting into the deep things because I started my blog as a way of getting away from health challenges and just wanted to focus on small and simple things. Besides it takes too much effort for me to write about deeper issues on my mind. Maybe some day that will change but for now it suits me to keep things on the lighter side though I don't mind reading the deeper thoughts of others. Enjoy your walk.

    1. Serious issues do affect me mentally. Not because I am losing it, because I am a caring person. It is frustrating when people call me selfish, when I know I am not.

      Chitter chatter is a release from the wider scheme of things, there will always be a place for it. I prefer my chat to be face to face, and will always speak to people when I am out and about. I can't converse with people who have their face covered.

      There is a lot to be said for keeping things simple, I do that a lot of the time. Push things aside thinking it has nothing to do with me. Head down and get on with my own life. I am usually accepting of changes, and can change direction to suit my circumstances. But when the changes are predicted to be so massive, there is no other way to go accept speak out.

    2. I understand you Ilona. In these unprecedented times, there is a lot of mental distress. Some of us cope better than others but it is challenging for each and every one of us for various reasons. All the best to you. You will be fine and anyone who has read your blog for awhile know you are not selfish. Just try and ignore the haters. It is difficult but it must be done for peace of mind.

  3. Ilona, you are yourself, and I, for one, am privileged to have you as a blogging friend, and as a You Tube friend. May you continue to shine your light, whether it be in portions of chitter chatter, or deep thinking thoughts, or wonderful crafting ideas. Vx

    1. Thank you Vera, I appreciate that. I am full of foibles, my thoughts can be disjointed or they can be clear. I am never sure what they are going to be. That's the definition of a creative mind I think.

  4. I find getting out and walking helps to put the words together in my mind in a much more logical way. Sometimes I wake up with a blog post on my mind and by the time I have had a walk and some fresh air, no matter what the weather, a whole different perspective is reached or a whole new blog post planned out in my head.

    Sometimes it's important to have totally clarity about what we want to say before we say it and other times it's good to have an out-pouring just as it is.

    I hope you find the words you are looking for.

    1. The rain stopped, then it came back. Now waiting for blue skies.

      Walking in the countryside does clarify things for me. I walk towards the bench and plan what I am going to say in a video. Sometimes speaking out loud comes easy, sometimes tapping keys on a keyboard is easier. I find that meaningful words cannot be rehearsed, they have to come from the heart. I found that out when being filmed for some TV programme. They have to capture my words as they come out, if they ask me to do it again, it is never the same.

      Rather than write a long article, I might try breaking it down into short bites, then it will be up to the readers to link them together. I need to get up and walk about. I need to get words down as they arrive, and not procrastinate.

  5. I agree that walking is helpful in getting the important 'stuff' sorted from the passing concern and more and more I find that I enjoy walking alone both to think and to enjoy the countryside. I don't need to write down what I think, nor communicate it to anyone else. For you it seems to be finding a balance between spontaneity and being clear about what you want to say/write(?). Weather this morning = dreadful, this afternoon - glorious but muddy underfoot! Vicki

    1. Walking definitely clears the head. Although I am very much a loner, communication is important to me. If I can help somebody as I pass along, as the song goes, it is very difficult when the country is split into two.

    2. That reminded me of the picture of a traveller and the words that accompany it that hangs by my computer and used to belong to my mother and her mother before her: 'I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now, let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.' A bit 'worthy' but rings true nonetheless!

  6. I appreciate your blogg Ilona a lot and hope you never stop blogging. Don`t listen to them who throw up their miserable lifes on others-

    1. Thank you. I feel like I am on a different page to everyone else in blogland. No one questions, no one wants to know what is going on. People complain but do nothing, just accept whatever they are told to do. I don't get it.

  7. I love your blog Ilona and have followed it for some time. No way are you selfish. Keep on being you x

  8. Such troubling times right now. I for one am always very appreciative of your words of wisdom, simple thoughts and wonderful creative ideas. I look forward to reading your blog and your very positive outlook on life. You make the world a better place Ilona and know that many of us in blogland are genuinely interested in your thoughts :) Stay safe!

  9. Comment by email received from Marianne

    Hello Ilona
    Marianne from Sweden here. I tried to comment on your blog but think my email address will show, if you can take it away I would be grateful, it was a mistake. I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate your blog. But when I tried to publish it with Google I Think something went wrong but I am not sure.
    Kind regards
    Marianne from Sweden

    1. Hello Marianne.
      Thank you for your comment. I don't know why your email address would show on a comment you post here, unless you have entered it as your user name. Some people do make that mistake. I won't publish anything that will reveal your contact details. I moderate comments before they are published.

  10. Thank you for your blog posts I really appreciate reading them and I get a lot of comfort in reading that there are still people out there and they are having similar worries and thoughts to myself. I’m not working as I was having some mental health therapy when this covid thing started and now I’m struggling with the fact that I can’t get back out into the world very easily after my therapy due to groups not being on, people being unfriendly and stressed and I know what you mean about finding it h ad to talk to covered faces. I rely on being able to read someones face to feel safe and understand the meaning of their words or intentions and it’s so hard now to do that especially trying too make any new friends, so I’m just not making any and it’s pretty lonely. I haven’t felt like this since I’d just had my first baby and everyone told me I’d be so busy and I just wasn’t I was alone in a house all day with a baby that didn’t talk. Hope things pick up again soon for everyone xx

    1. Sb: I wonder if it might be worth contacting your doctor (if you haven't already of course)about some more therapy if you feel that would help you get through this horrible time. Alternatively, do a search for online therapy run by the NHS. I do have some idea how you feel and I also know how hard it is to reach out for help when feeling low, but it might well help. Sending you a hug x


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