Thursday, 5 November 2020

My kind of food.

 Hello. I was out walking yesterday, another eight miles, and didn't feel like posting last night. I'll put those pics on later. 

Here are a couple of meals from the last two days. Beetroot in a jar is always handy to have it can be added to anything. You can get lots of meals out of an iceberg lettuce. A cucumber will last a week or more. I chopped an onion and softened it in a pan with a little oil, then added some green lentils, ready cooked in a sealed bag, and finished up by cracking an egg on it.  

Another variation This time a tomato, pickled onions, two grilled hash browns and a Quorn veggie. sausage. 

There was a bag of pick and mix books ready for collection at the mobile library this week. I've started on the Spaceman book, it's quite interesting. I enjoyed the book about Buzz Aldrin, space travel fascinates me. I have glanced at the Melanie Brown book, I think I will find this interesting. Not so sure about Demi Moore, I might give it a go. The craft books will be handy for reference. 
I was surprised to see Stan wearing a mask. He works in his van on his own. He stands inside the library bus with the door open, I stand on the ground with a good distance between us. I put my returns books on the table outside the door, and step back. He removes the returns and replaces them with a new bag of books, and stands back. I step forward and pick up the bag. We are no where near each other, yet he has to wear a mask. The Council are petrified that someone will ring up and complain if he isn't wearing one. This is the new normal. Project fear is winning. 
Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.  


  1. So nice to see a post from you this morning during our election frenzy here in USA. Will be several days before we know the winner for President. I hope VP Biden wins as he will have a calming affect on our divided country. In my 72 years I have never seen it this chaotic. I have been better able to accept these new normals because I want to live a stress free retired life and have some fun and live in the moment :) God bless everyone!!

    1. Feeling the same as you. Recently retired at 65 and wanting calm and less disgusting rhetoric. I’m so over Trump and want to get my country back.

    2. Quite frankly, the thought of the choice between two men who can't put a coherent sentence together between them, to run a country, is terrifying. I wish I could say it wouldn't happen here, but we've got Boris Johnson. Beam me up, Scotty - please!

  2. I'm sorry to have to comment adversely but I don't think that 'project fear is winning' we all need to be vigilant in these unprecedented times, the death toll in the UK is sobering. Many other countries have more stringent requirements and much lower death tolls It pays to err on the side of caution, being asked to wear a mask, socially distant is not a blow against your civil rights but think of it instead as looking out for your fellow human being, some people may look fine but may have compromised immune systems that put them at risk. Surely it is our duty to look out for others for those who may be vulnerable? It is not fear mongering when the UK death toll is so high 47,700+ spare a thought for the health care workers who turn up to work each day to help keep people safe.

    1. Your comment is your opinion, at least you refrained from using inflammatory language, thank you for that. I think you may be getting your news from mainstream media, TV, national newspapers, the BBC, they are the mouthpiece of the Government. They live in each others pockets and are singing from the same song sheet. Nothing is questioned, people believe what they are told.

      There are many other sources of news. People are coming forward, doctors and scientists. They present a different picture.

      I do not believe the death toll figures from the government. They don't give a true picture, they might be figures for all deaths, but it has been proved that doctors have falsified death certificates for convenience. A lot have had other medical problems which they were going to die of anyway. Many doctors are now starting to whistle blow.

      I have just read that the Furlough scheme is going to be extended until March 2021. The government are paying people not to work. How long will that go on for before the country is bankrupt? Where are they getting the money from? Questions that need answering. Does this mean that lockdown will continue until then? There are many more people coming forward to say that lockdown is not the answer. Doctors are reporting that masks harbour germs and can cause respiratory diseases. Some of them may not show up until late on in life. I want to breath fresh air, not my own carbon dioxide.

      Where is it all leading? When people get paid not to go to work, they start to suffer from depression, which often leads to suicide. They no longer have a purpose in life, why bother to get up, might as well stay in bed and order everything I need from Amazon. By not going out and spending cash, they are not supporting local businesses. The small shops will close, more people out of work. There will be more deaths from lockdowns and mask wearing than there will be from covid. When people are that reliant on the Government to provide everything for them, they become fully complicit in anything the Government asks of them.

      Why don't we get number published in the media about how many people are dying of cancer because they can't get seen by a doctor, or are too afraid to ask. Or can't get treatment, or have their treatment stopped and subsequently die. Covid is not the biggest killer in the UK. A lot of people either don't have any symptoms, or it's very mild. Just like the flu where you stay at home so you don't infect others, a person tested positive could do the same. They are not all going to die.

      This is far longer than what I was originally going to write. I will finish by saying, it's not about the virus. Dig deep, and you will find.

    2. I was blog browsing and came across your comment here. Oh, I so agree with you. Too much of our mainstream news is breeding fear and panic, and people are afraid to listen to other points of view. Even in our small country of New Zealand most of our "covid-related deaths" are actually people who have died WITH covid and not OF covid (we even had one death who had officially RECOVERED from covid, go figure). If they started reporting all the people who died WITH influenza instead of only those who have died from it, then people would be absolutely horrified.
      One day, maybe the world will come to its senses again. Thanks for sharing your opinion :)

    3. Nice to hear from you, AHI NZ. Things are moving on here in the UK. Every day new revelations are appearing as more people are finding the courage to speak out. Main stream media will be the last to report the truth, but it will come out. Look for Dr Vernon Coleman on youtube, and on his new platform, Brand New Tube. He has had to move because so many of his videos have been taken down. The world will come to it's senses, but only when the top people in this charade are taken down.

  3. I would suggest its common sense and caring for others that is winning, as well it should.

  4. I totally agree with you Ilona. Hospitals are reporting being empty. You can't get to see a GP. Operations and cancer treatment are cancelled. Flu is being reported in hospitals as Covid. We did not even need a second lockdown. The evidence is skewed. We did not vote for scientific advisors to run this country. Church services are banned again. Can't get a haircut . Since when in previous winters did this happen when influenza was virulant??? The sheep have been totally brainwashed and say now if you don't wear a mask you don't care about others. Well my husband wears a mask and he is now suffering from the second cold in a month. They do not work. I love my life as normal. No mask. Wash hands. Guess what?? I have no colds. Says it all. The proof of the pudding. And I will be celebrating Christmas. And I will be singing carols. Life is for living with hope and joy, not in fear.

    1. I can't remember the last time I had a cold. I have been called selfish for not wearing a mask, even though I have a legitimate reason not to wear one. I am speaking out because I see the fear in people's eyes. They tell me they hate the mask, but still continue to wear one.

      Things are moving on, I am discovering new news which gives me hope. Something big will blow the whole thing apart. Dr Vernon Coleman has it right.

  5. I also bought two poppies today. I always buy two in memory of my two grandfathers. Going over the top in the trenches at Yypres was real fear. I will never live in fear of a virus...ever.

  6. I’m reading a space book as well... The Sky Below
    by Scott E. Parazynski. I just started it and currently it is mountain climbing, but I think we’ll move to space soon:). I wear a mask. Seems like such a simple thing to do - no political statement, just my little contribution to the cause.

    1. I think it's amazing that people get into a small rocket shaped capsule and allow themselves to be blasted into space. Zero gravity fascinates me, I wonder what it is like to float. The Russians I believe offer the experience of floating in their specially built aircraft. They climb up as high as they can, then suddenly dive downwards, leaving passengers floating through the air. They are given sick bags, just in case.

      If you feel better wearing a mask, you wear one.

    2. And to think some people dispute the validity of the moon landings.

      Have you read any of the books by Tim Peake? They really are fascinating.
      I would also suggest a visit to Leicester to the national space centre.

    3. I haven't seen the Tim Peake books. I will ask at the library for them. Thank you.

  7. As usual Illona, your food looks scrummy Margaret x

  8. I agree with everything you say, so refreshing to see someone speaking out, yes indeed dig deep people and research what this is all about xxx


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