Thursday, 26 November 2020

Number 7.

Another one finished. Pink and white cotton fabric, twisted to make rope, made into a bowl. It's more like a cross between a plate and a bowl, wanted it to have a flat bottom and it doesn't need to be very deep. It has been suggested that a mat for the floor could be made by this method. yes it could, but it would take a long time. And it would need to be in darker fabric as this would get very dirty when continually walked over. A waste paper bin could also be made, yes it could. It would look very lovely in a pink bedroom. 
Added to the other bowls I have made. I'll move onto something else now, don't want to become bored with doing the same thing over and over again. 
I'll catch up with you later.   Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. You are very talented. Years ago I made a small braided fabric rug and chair pad like done in 1800s here in America. Was thrifty to made. Hugs from across the ocean!!

    1. These old crafts should be brought back into fashion, and taught at schools.

  2. That is coming along nicely

  3. They all look lovely well done. They would make nice gifts and also be nice as fruit baskets or for jewellery many uses really so nice and colourful x

  4. Hi Ilona

    Love the baskets, good to use for bread rolls.

    Just listened to those other basket heads in Downing Street. They are treating us like imbeciles, who do they think they are?

    Horrible weather here today, grey and dismal.

    Take care.

    1. Dismal here also. I can't watch those in Downing Street, I want to slap them. This is all leading in one direction, and it ain't going to be pretty.

    2. Love the read basket idea. Yes we are the same in Ireland with the muppets in Dail Eireann i don't listen anymore and i would like to be more hopeful to 2021 but its not looking good any where sadly.

  5. Nice bowl baskets! Too bad you are too far away not to get one. I worked on making a rug some time back and just for some reason quit doing it.Maybe I'll find it since I have been decluttering lately. It is interesting to find things I put somewhere then forgot where it was and that I even bought it. Oh why do I do things like that? I don't know! I have decided if there is no place to put it then I don't need it! Cherrio!!

    1. I am going to be more brutal with my de cluttering. Why I keep stuff for twenty years when I have no emotional attachment to it, I'll never know.

  6. Very nice baskets, but good idea to move on to something else; a home can only use so many baskets, no need to have cupboards full of 'spares'.

  7. I used to use a babies waterproof changing mat outside for our cats I t is padded and waterproof. I got from a charity shop


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