Monday, 30 November 2020

Time to leave home.

It's been rather dull today but never mind, I found things to do. This morning I made some bunting. Angela gave me the satin fabric and I already had the ribbon, which wasn't really wide enough for the job. It was quite difficult to trap the top of the flags in the fold, and sew in a perfectly straight line while the fabric was slipping about. I gave them to Angela, she was chuffed. 
This afternoon I took Billy dog for a walk, or should I say he took me. I just follow him. There are some dogs that he doesn't like, and goes ballistic, barking like crazy. One such dog is the British Bulldog that lives in my street. We were almost back home at the end of the walk and the BB appeared. Instant reaction from Billy. Rather than drag him the few hundred yards or so back to his garden, I picked him up and carried him. He wasn't best pleased about that. In fact it did actually calm him down. I might try that again when he kicks off. I think he was glad to get home. 

I found some videos about Blackpool. I left home when I was 18, and rented a room there. I got a job on the Pleasure Beach selling hot dogs, donuts, and waffles. I had a fantastic three years there. 

This picture is me all packed and ready to go. I remember the coat was green, and the case was a cheap plastic one. It was all I could afford. I loved my calf length brown suede boots. I have always done my own hair, cut it and coloured it. Put rollers in it, back combed it, and blow dried it. Finally a blast of the hair spray. Must have got through tons of the stuff over the years. This picture was taken in the small back garden of our terraced house. 

I changed my hair colour to red. This was from 1969, taken on the Pleasure Beach. 

I worked with Ada and Maura. Our stall was opposite the Log Flume. When we were quiet I often went across and cadged a free ride. 

Those three years were the best time of my life, until I found lorry driving years later, of course. When the Pleasure Beach closed, around ten-ish, a group of us went to the Casino. It was more a night club than a casino. We stayed there till gone 1am, in the Horseshoe Bar, watching the cabaret. 
The Pleasure Beach job was for the summer months, once it closed at the end of the season I went to work at Empire Pools, the football coupon place. They liked people to go back for the winter because that was their busy time, and the returning staff were already trained. We could just drop straight back into the job. It was a large office with rows of desks. When it came round to Easter again I was back to the Pleasure Beach. It suited me to have a summer job and a winter job.  
Happy memories. Now I'm going to watch another episode of the Pleasure Beach videos. Thanks for popping in. Don't forget check in day tomorrow for the walking group. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Hey Ilona great pictures of you at Blackpool in your youth.i love looking back at the old days.i live in Dorset but have been to Blackpool and Yorkshire many times.your very good at doing your hairstyles why pay a fortune when you can do it yourself.very thrifty lol love your story's about your life.x

  2. Love your hairstyle Ilona I am a similar age to you mine was a fringe and long hair. Happy days and great music at that time too. I know they say live in the present moment but a bit of nostalgia is good for you too. Love Liz Amy and

    1. I tried to grow my hair long but when it got to the shoulders I could stand it no more, and it didn't suit me. I was very envious of my sisters beautiful long dark brown hair.

  3. Lovely memories and you did look so lovely with the red hair. I think separate summer and winter jobs is a great idea. I only ever worked in factories, until the last one closed, then I worked as a checkout operator in a supermarket.

    1. Same for me. Sausage factory, toilet roll factory, sewing garlands factory, Woolworths, Melias, Tesco.

  4. I love sharing your memories!.It looks like you had a great time and its lovely to be able to look back at happy times.I did very much the same but my coast home was Ramsgate,down South.Just before that I had tried Butlins at Skegness but I wasnt too struck on it there.I still have my Butlins badge with my name on it though,lol.I love the outfit you were wearing and still wear the same sort of clothes even now!.I loved the 60s look and still wear my hair long with a fringe so in my head Im still 16....I just avoid mirrors,lol.Life just seemed so much simpler then!.xx

  5. You were a beautiful girl! I really, really think so! And always enjoy to look your memories, photos and interesting stories from your younger days!

  6. You were a stunner! Great photos Ilona, thanks for sharing xx

  7. Love the old photos of you Ilona. I bet you were great fun to work with!

    1. I was always mucking about. Can't take things seriously.


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