Thursday, 5 November 2020

Better than fireworks.

 Hello. Here are a few pics from the walk I did yesterday. As usual I was late setting off due to faffing. No matter how hard I try and get organized, I never quite manage to leave on time. I have no sense of urgency. I drove to a place called West Butterwick, a village close to the River Trent. Once parked up, I set off down the road towards Beltoft. Over on my right is the M180, and I will be crossing it on that bridge. 

Beltoft House. There were free range chickens pecking about in the garden. 
Beltoft Primitive Methodist Chapel. Built 1903. 

I thought I might make it to Belton, but decided that would be pushing it a bit, so I did a right turn down a track which took me over the motorway bridge. Then across a field to pick up another track and head back towards West Butterwick by a different route. The sunset didn't look very promising, I thought it might just fizzle out and get darker and darker. 
I was walking away from it, and kept stopping to glance behind, just in case it developed into something spectacular. It did. Sunsets are full of surprises, you never know what is going to happen next. 

Oh my, magic is happening. Luckily the trees are in the right place. 

I should have kept walking because I was going to get caught out in the dark again, but I had to take more photo's. I have picked out the best ones here. 
It just got better and better. Walk a bit and turn round again. This is the grand finale. 
I had to keep moving. I picked out the best route back. I couldn't retrace my steps because the road was bendy and I would have got knocked down. So I joined the road alongside the River, at Derrythorpe, because I knew that it had a high bank which was built as a flood defence. They keep the grass mowed there, it has a flat top, and people use it for dog walking. I knew I could walk along there in relative safety, even though it was dark. You can just about make out the road on the last picture. 
I arrived back at my car at 6pm. It was eight miles, and an enjoyable afternoon. 
Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Oh my what beautiful photos of that sunset. Congrats on walking 8 miles. I am amazed you can do that and even in the dark for part.

  2. Once again your amazing photos have cheered me up!.I can remember being in the good old days..a couple of years ago!..and watching the sun set out at sea.All the free things that we took for granted.Well done on your 8 miles of lovely views.It has started off a cold and frosty day here in Leicester but the sun is trying to break through and the sky is turning blue so I will be out in the garden later picking up the legal bombs..fireworks..that have fallen from the sky from other peoples firework parties that they have had.Hope that you have a lovely day.xx

  3. I think we have all lost that sense of urgency at the moment. I love that third sunset photo, well worth coming home in the dark for. Take care. xx

  4. Beautiful Ilona, it was lovely behind the fields, we had a beautiful warm day yesterday and cut back a lot if Japennes Anemones. My daughter got my shopping and on the way she got the news she was positive with the virus, at the moment she is feeling well it has been passed on from a friend, fortunately she is tested every week.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈
    Hazel c uk

  5. You take such beautiful pictures! Felt like I was there:)

  6. Wow, those sunset pics are beautiful! I love it when the sun starts to turn everything that deep orange colour - reminds me of when I was a kid and I used to look through that orange outer wrapper from lucozade bottles, lol! 😊


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