Friday, 27 November 2020

Dear Government.

 I have some questions. What on earth are you thinking of with these Tiers? Are you on a mission to trash the whole economy? Do you want the independent businesses to close down? Do you want the unemployment rate to rocket? Will you be paying people to stop at home and do nothing, forever? Is your aim to destroy family life? Haven't you noticed that lockdowns don't work? When are you going come clean about the figures you keep spouting out? Can you give us a breakdown, county by county of how many positives have no symptoms at all, right through to the top of the scale, of how many actually die of Covid? Can you break down the deaths into ages of patients, and whether they had any underlying health issues? What about the figures for seasonal flu deaths, where are they? Do you not agree that all this information is relevant? Do you not agree that it is pointless to mass test everyone, even if they have no symptoms? Are you on course to frighten people to death so that they beg to be vaccinated?  Are you messing with people's minds deliberately? Do you realise that this planned psychological warfare is going to cause endless damage to people's lives for a very long time? Don't you know that the divide in the country is going to get even wider when you bring in the Freedom Passport? Have you thought of the possibility that people will rise up against these rules?  How are you going to tackle mass demonstrations? Or do you think that people will comply like lambs to the slaughter? Is your aim to make the richest people on earth even richer, and grind the poorest people into the ground? Are you planning to force people to take tests, and force them to get vaccinated? Will you refuse privileges to those who do not comply with your demands? Will you employ more police and security officers to make sure we don't overstep the mark? How much of our lives do you want to control? How many more arrests will be made? How many old ladies will your police force manhandle into the back of a van? Will we have no freedom left in five years time? Are you planning on turning the United Kingdom into  Communist State?  

Truthful and honest answers would be appreciated. Thank you. 

Yours sincerely,


Institute of Common Sense. 

I am editing this post to add links to relevant articles. Thank you for your comments and questions. It's good to get a discussion going. At the moment there are too many to reply to, I have other things to do. You might find the answers that you require in the links. 

The Covid Physician 

German Neurologist warns against wearing face masks.

Lord Sumption Cambridge lecture

The Great Reset

Doctor Reiner Fuellmich 

The Conservative Woman

Mass vaccination plan for Wales. 

Agenda 21


  1. Hello Ilona. Mass testing in Liverpool has cut infections by two thirds. In your part of the world (Hull/Humber?) it seems that cases are increasing exponentially. The virus kills people and I personally know three people who have died from it. I am no fan of the Tory party but I think that these steps are essential if we are ever to return to anything resembling a normal life.
    I dont believe that this government wants to see any business fail-after all it would just mean more people claiming benefits and less tax being paid.
    The whole thing is just horrible and in my humble opinion (for what its worth), if Boris had put the country into lockdown earlier, rather than left it until the end of March, we wouldn't be in quite the state we are in now.
    Stay safe!

    1. This is only the beginning. Boris is only a cog in a box of tricks.

  2. Absolutely spot on agree 100%

  3. Look to the hospitals. That's what it's mostly about. Do you want them to be unable to treat people. People waiting hours for an ambulance. Non urgent treatment cancelled.

    There's no control, no fear. We must keep the numbers down if we want a functioning health system. To do that we must have social distance.

    I do think this government's handling of it has been awful and the billions given to chums companies.

    We could have locked down and invested in local services and local businesses but not with this government.

    1. The NHS have been haemorrhaging money for years by different governments. Parts of it have been sold off, contracted out, and it's been ripped off by the big pharmaceuticals. The virus caught everyone off guard and panic measures were put into place.

    2. Yes true the NHS has been under funded and health and social care has been damaged by 10 years of austerity but that is the legacy the Tory government has given us.

      But even Germany, with their much better funded health care, has restrictions. I don't see how this is an argument to stop restrictions and let the virus spread uncontrolled. How, exactly, would that make things better?

    3. Panic measures because they ignored warnings two years ago, so were no longer prepared and let supplies go out of date

  4. Also check excess deaths. 18.4% above the five year average for week 46, week ending 13th November. This is from The Office for National Statistics. They are independent. Lots of interesting stuff on there.

    That's 1904 lives lost in a week compared to the previous 5 years. Are you happy at that level? Are you happy for it to be even higher?

    To be successful without restriction on movements and businesses we would need a model like Taiwan. Movements are tracked by GPS, masks are mandatory. The majority of citizens are happy with this and see it as their civic duty.

    I would be happy with this model. What model do you propose?

    I'd like to know the percentage of people who get long flu compared to long Covid. I don't fancy being part of the herd immunity experiment because I am prime for that. 47 year old female.


    1. I am not happy about any deaths, but you have to be realistic, old people are going to die anyway. I want to know what other illnesses these people had, they didn't all die of just covid. I don't know enough about models, there must be many different ways of approaching this. I would have hoped by now that they could have found a better solution than to lock everyone in their homes, in a state of confusion, scared to go out because they don't know what the rules are.

    2. They are excess deaths above will mostly be Covid. The point is if the virus spreads too rapidly the hospitals won't cope. So even if you don't have Covid there may not be a bed for you, and you may well die at a young age of something that would be easily treatable in normal times.
      I think all the work to get a vaccine, which is the safest way out of this pandemic, is brilliant and am so grateful for that.

  5. Well said Ilona you put your point across so very well. This is not as deadly as we as we are being told its a stronger flu like virius and of coarse it will kill some and others will not get it as bad but of coarse any death from any virius or illness is awful. The fallout from lockdowns i believe will be as bad as the virius, sucides addictions unemployment and peop;e losing their bussiness and livlihoods. As for vaccines ? The sad thing is here in Ireland some people cannot wait to take a rushed vaccine why may not be safe long term and i will not be taking it i am building up my immune system with my diet vit d3 zinc and vit c. Also its flu season so how many got flu but was put down as covid? Taking a vaccine is garentee we will ever get back to so called normal. You were brave to post this and i agree with much of what you said. This is not just about a virius this is about future control the new reset also known i believe as agenda 21. So be careful before you line up to take your vaccine the next thing may be micro chippiong you so you have no freedom or very limited. do your own research its all there.

    1. Just to add my mental health has been quite bad some days throughout this and some days i felt like life was not worth living. Vaccines may not work and we should have choice. Oh don't kid yourselves that your goverments care about your health they don't. they know its been badly handled and now they are trying to worm their way out. I will be spending Christmas alone too. I have trees and decorarations up but not feeling it because of all this i don't have much hope left and tonight i feel like having a few drinks to cope but i won't as tomorrow i will feel worse. Oh and i did take the flu vaccine untill i found out what was in it and i stopped. So call me selfish if you want. And what about all the animal testing i am against this how many poor baby monkeys cats and other poor souls are being tortured and killed for big Pharma companies to make money from ill health and keeping diseases away? Ok thats all i am saying i will leave it at that.

    2. I'm so sorry the situation is taking such a burden on your mental health. I'm just about keeping it together but think being a introvert protects me from the worst effects of lockdown. Please consider contacting your GP. Your health issues are real and need real support x

    3. Thank you Linda, you explain your thoughts very well. I would never call anyone selfish for following their own instincts. You are the best person to decide how you spend your life.

      I haven't seen any figures for flu deaths yet. But I did read about a 23 year old young mum who has spent six months waiting for a cancer treatment to start. Now it's too late and she has been given six months to live. Absolutely tragic.

    4. The number of deaths from influenza and pneumonia in October was 1,262 and 2,972 from Covid 19. The five year October average of deaths from influenza and pneumonia was 1,769. The five year average is for 39.9 people per 100,000 of the population to die in October from influenza and pneumonia. In October 2020 90.5 people per 100,000 died from Covid and influenza and pneumonia combined. In July 2020 41.3 per 100,000 died from them combined.

      Source: Office for National Statistics Monthly Mortality analysis

      From NHS England data on deaths in hospital from Covid up to 14th October
      Total 30,743
      With a pre existing condition 29,304
      Without 1,439
      Age 80+ 15,888
      Age 60-79 11,130
      Age 40-59 2,084
      Age 20-39 185
      Age 0-19 17

  6. I'm sorry that your govt. has done such a poor job of keeping you all informed but that is not the case everywhere. We get a daily breakdown - province by province and yes, they do include the age range of those who are infected and who have died, the number in hospital, the number in the ICU, the number on ventilators and the ICU capacities.
    We also get the rate of infection - one of our provinces has a region with over 40% infection and growing! That is what I consider to be frightening.
    I will continue to work from home, wear a mask whenever I leave my apt., social distance, forego Christmas with my family, donate to charity and support local businesses where I can. These are all things that I can do personally. I miss family & friends of course, but the end is in sight with vaccines on the horizon. I'm not being asked to go to war - I'm being asked to stay home for the good of others - that I can manage.
    We have approximately 90% compliance on current protocols and 69% have all ready indicated that they will take the vaccine when available - 70% will give us herd immunity. So many people have got the flu shot this year that they have to keep replenishing the supply and this has now resulted in a significant drop in seasonal flu cases - so yes, vaccines do work.
    We locked down totally on March 17 - we had started taking steps the week before - the UK was still trying for herd immunity - I was appalled and I understand your frustration but that doesn't make the disease a hoax or the restrictions unnecessary.

  7. Totally agree with you. Always thought that there was another reason behind all this with the Covid as an excuse to do it.

  8. Couldn't have put it better myself.

  9. Influenza infection rates England December 2019 22.4 per 100,000
    Current Covid 19 infection rates in my borough 250 per 100,000
    Case fatality rates influenza 0.1%
    Case fatality rates Covid 19 1%

    Do the maths.

    This is not flu.

    Ilona, I agree with so much you write and you seem to take social distancing very seriously but I think we diverge on the global economic reset politics.

    1. Ahh but do you believe your goverment of main news is really telling the truth? i don't believe ours? Where did you get these figures from? i don't know anyone who caught covid or died from it i am not saying many did not catch it of die from it, None of my family or anyone i ask knows of on one who caught or died from it either. Our hospitals here are not full of covid patients and neither are Dr's surgeries It is very difficult to get a Dr's appointment in to the office nearly all is done over the phone. I wear my mask social distance is not a big problem i don't have a big social or lots of friends and right now do not to make friends with anyone the way things are. but for how long must we love like this if you call it that more like exist just about.

    2. 840 cases and twelve deaths in my little bit of Middlesbrough. My friend's daughter is a nurse at the local hospital and it's under real pressure My friend was very ill in hospital with the virus. I am happy to do my bit and wear a mask if it keeps everyone safe. If it's good enough for our queen to wear a mask it's good enough for me. I wonder what you would suggest we all do Ilona. Poor Boris is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

    3. Current Covid infection rates came from the government. Last year's flu infection rates from Public Health England. Covid fatality ratio from Imperial College. Flu fatality ratio I looked at lots of sources.

      My cousin's husband died from Covid in April. Late 40's. Teenage children. My mum had seen him a couple of weeks earlier at his fils funeral. He did apparently have an under lying health condition but none of the wider family knew that. It certainly wasn't a condition anyone would have thought would be life limiting to late 40's

    4. I live in Gloucestershire UK and around me no one I know has caught covid. When I spoke to some of the neighbours over the last week I asked them if they knew of any cases and not one knew of anyone having caught the virus or died from it. I asked the post lady and she said none of her work colleagues had either but she was made to have the track and trace app on her phone as part of being allowed to do her job. Im pretty sure its not a works phone shes talking about. I personally dont have a smart phone so I cant have the app. I also wont be getting the vaccine for a couple of years at least as I want to see if it is safe first. Luckily I dont expect to have a baby or am pregnant but Id be very nervous if the powers that be were trying to encourage me to inject me with something so rushed in that case. If I cant go abroad due to not having had the vaccine then so be it for a few years. Its my body and I wont be bullied until I feel its safe. I also seriously question how many people are dying of just covid. Yes it is happening with many people who have other conditions as well and thats terrible but for healthy people the risk is unclear to me and definitely in comparison to the risk of cancer or heart problems? As for he tiered system....well what a shambles..... I tried comparing the tiers last night, rules wise, and just gave up after scrolling up and down the list trying to make comparisons. Seems like it means, most shops will be open next week but you still cant go round to your friends house for a coffe. I dont see huge differences between the tiers. Maybe Im missing something?

    5. It is confusing to everyone, Sb. I am a bit surprised that the post lady has a track and trace app on her phone as part of her job. She should take it off.

    6. Yes me too as she is basically registering all the people with a phone on them I think who she walks close to? Not really sure how it works tbh maybe you have to be near them for more than x amount of minutes? Her exact words as we were talking about how ridiculous the situation was and how she didn’t know anyone with covid were “unfortunately I have to have the app on my phone for work ” (and she pointed to her pocket) Unless she referring to another job I got the impression Royal Mail had made her have it on her phone as she’s walking her round. On a slightly other point its a shame the government took so many pay phones away or we could just feel safe going out without a phone in our pockets at all like we used to only a few years ago.

    7. Now you've got me thinking. I will ask my postie tomorrow if he has been given similar instructions. She might have a part time carers job.

  10. I can empathize with each one of your questions. If I felt I could trust the government I would feel better about the restrictions. Here in the US we have politicians who mandate restrictions and then blatantly break them; when they are caught they either lie about them or blame someone else. We have a governor who sent somewhere between 4,500 and 6,500 recovering Covid patients back to nursing homes rather than isolate them in the facilities that had been provided - Even today the number of deaths in NY nursing homes remains "cloaked in secrecy" according to APNews. We have a governor in a state which has decriminalized psychedelic mushrooms, methamphetamines, heroin and cocaine (Oregon) but the citizens have been told by this governor to call the police if they see any holiday gatherings of more than six people in their neighborhoods.
    I feel a huge distrust of our government. I'm not a disbeliever of this deadly virus - even now my granddaughter is waiting for results on a Covid test and I am not happy. I see businesses closing, families in great distress financially and emotionally. My best friend has ALS and is losing her mobility; she has been housebound for months.
    Negotiating this crisis is worse than walking a tightrope over a canyon. I feel that there has been an abyss purposefully formed between so many social/economic groups. I grieve over choices that have been made during this crisis. I grieve for my grandchildren because they most probably will not have the freedoms that their parents had - most certainly they won't have the freedoms that i had growing up. I fear that there will come a tipping point. Here in the US we are also going through riots, "defund the police" and a national election that has most certainly been massively interfered with. I have little hope of the government being truthful about so many things. It's much easier to "keep the peace" when people are afraid.

    1. this has happened here in Ireland on at least 3 big occasions and lied about with a feeble apology while the rest of the country struggles to live through what they impose on us. it was just to last 2 weeeks nearly 9 months later still going on on with differant tiers and ban and unban going on.

    2. Tell your friend with ALS to go for daily exercise. In the early days of the pandemic so little was known that very vulnerable people were told to stay at home. It's commonly accepted now that some exercise outside is very low risk.

    3. I wish that she could get out, Liz, but she has very limited mobility and has fallen so many times she is afraid. Her husband is her caretaker and we are all in our 60's. He does take her for walks in the neighborhood but they have yet to find anyone to install a ramp from the front door to the sidewalk and there are three very high steps from the porch to the sidewalk. They were actually thinking of moving into a house that would accommodate her needs but then lockdown hit and the idea of moving just became too daunting for them to even consider.

    4. Sorry, to hear that. I presumed it was fear of the virus keeping her indoors. I hope someone is able to install a ramp for them very soon.

  11. I totally agree. Many people just see covid deaths and nothing else.

    1. That's right, there is still a lot more information to come out.

  12. Are you sure you don't live in the US. We are lucky that my husband is retired and all for 4 kids are still working but our economy is very bad also.

    1. This is a world wide problem. All governments are trashing their economy.

  13. Sorry, I'm back, but you are making me think. Although, I think your post was intended to make people think.

    I am highly suspicious of the government's handing out of the pounds. Operation Moonshot is estimated to cost £100 billion to test everybody once a week. Whoah there, £100 BILLION pounds. Wouldn't that money be better invested in businesses and people. Then they have the ability to keep spending and keep the economy going.
    I think there is a direct funnelling of public money into private hands and that is done under the cover of Covid but really to protect themselves from the horrendous effects of Brexit.

    Ilona did you ever drive lorries into the EU and non EU countries. I am interested in a real perspective the border controls will make on the drivers

    1. The aim of this blog post was to get people thinking, and it's working. Some will choose to not read it and move on, that's fine by me.

      I did drive lorries into Europe, but only as far as Holland, Belgium, and Germany. It was along time ago and I can't remember what the border controls were like. Pretty straight forward I think, report to the office with paperwork, join a queue to get on the boat.

  14. I have the same questions as you Ilona. I really don't see where the govt. is going with this. I wish they would broaden their horizons and start listening to a wider range of scientific views. I have concerns about a potentially rushed vaccine and doubt that logistically they could organise mass prompt immunisation given the logistics and their track record. It is good to ask questions and query some of the stuff we are told.

    1. I have concerns about a vaccine but am not an anti vaxer at all. Both children had their MMR'S even though it was the height of autism links.
      I've recently been researching iron lungs and am shocked there are still people living in these things. Vaccines cut down life limiting viruses and my research has led me to believe this is the only way out.

    2. Kate, the Government do need to get their information from wider sources. Luckily more doctors are coming forward.

  15. What the government should have done at the start is ground all passenger planes and ships, allow freight only and close all our borders. Too late now.
    I do know someone who died of Covid, my niece's uncle. Treatment for prostrate cancer was delayed for several months earlier in the year due to hospital worried about rising covid cases. Last month he caught Covid and 7 days later he died. Very quick from start to end in one week.
    I agree that the lockdown and ridiculous tiers are not necessary
    as even our area in Tier 2 has one of the lowest rates of infection in England.
    Like you I'm just waiting for mass protests and maybe even riots. This won't go well and will spread infection even more.
    Also some airlines and Ticketmaster have plans to refuse people who are not vaccinated without a medical exemption. That's if you believe what's in the press.
    Hope this all ends soon as I'm finding it hard to cope with now like a lot of other people.

    1. The idea for Health Passports has been around for a while. It was only a matter of time before the mainstream media picked up on it.

  16. Covid-ism is a cult, a dangerous one, and it's members have Stockholm syndrome. They refuse to believe anything that goes against the official story, they think that the thousands of leading scientists, professors, doctors and researchers have somehow ALL been 'discredited'. Yeah, because those people got to the top of their professions by being stupid,right?
    Meanwhile, one woman here in Wales has gone blind because her monthly treatment for macula degeneration was delayed by lock down, and it's estimated that 33,000 more people here could lose their sight. But hey, never mind them, eh? Let's just all focus on a virus so deadly that most of us wouldn't even know we had it.

    1. Sadly some of my family are like this and still too many sheeple out there but there a few who think and and see things from all angles so we can see through the lies and hype. but there seems to be more waking up and seeing this for what it is. Operations and cancer treatment are post poned all the time because it all about covid and there has been some deaths from delayed treatment. And it seems the flu and other respitary illness such as bad asthma pnumonia have all disappeared too covid is very selective it seems.

    2. This is why questions need to be asked. Many more people are dying because they are being denied treatment for other illnesses. Thank you for highlighting this.

    3. Denied is a strong word. There are 16,000 people in UK hospitals with Covid. There aren't the nurses to care for any more people. It's an appalling situation and distressing for those working in the NHS who want to do the best for their patients. This is exactly why we need restrictions to slow the spread of Covid. There is no other solution. It takes 3 years to train a nurse. Doctors longer. We can't just magic them up.

    4. There are also hospitals with empty wards. Last week a nurse stood on the steps of a building at a rally in a town centre, she made an announcement that she was resigning because she had nothing to do.

    5. You know, they could say 10,000/16,000/25,000/50,000 people in hospital with Covid, we wouldn't know any different, we can't go and check. And what does it mean, 'with covid'? If I had Covid and was taken to hospital with a broken leg, I guess I'd be in hospital 'with' Covid. Or, if even just one person in the hospital had Covid, everyone in the building would be in hospital 'with' Covid, you see? Because Covid would be in the in the building with US. What you read doesn't always mean what you think it means, and that was pointed out to me by a good friend of mine who's a paramedic.

    6. Denied has been my experience in the sense that I went to the dentist and she suspected I needed some drilling to sort out the problem...but they aren't allowed to drill she said due to covid so I left. Weeks later still in pain I went to the doctor instead and he could only look into my ear as I had to wear a mask and he wasnt allowed to look into my mouth. He decided to give me antibiotic ear drops which then made my ear cnal very sore over the following days and finally I got some oral antibiotics over the phone but still no one has told me what the actual problem in my mouth is and its not quite gone. I guess Im supposed to just sit in pain until I cant bear it anymore then more antibiotics? I cant seem to access the right treatment/consultation due to masks and covid rules.

    7. There are many examples like that, Sb. Almost everyone I speak to can't get the medical help they need.

    8. Sb I didn't realise dentists were still restricting treatment. From what I can tell in the UK the NHS has limited treatment because of the extra costs involved. The room has to be left empty for an hour after aerosol treatment. Private dentists are offering treatment.

      Sadly a funding issue again. Maybe the government could have spent some of the £100 billion for Operation Moonshot on urgently restructuring how it funds NHS dentistry.

  17. We recently had a Lockdown in my city which gave the Health Authorities time to trace people who had been in contact with people newly infected or people who had visited the same places the infected people had been to, and get them all isolating and tested. Three days later our lockdown was lifted although there are still restrictions such as wearing masks in supermarkets and on public transport. The hot spot is contained with covid infected persons in quarantine. Lockdowns do work.

    1. I beg to differ. The PCR tests are unreliable, they have been proved not to work. So, if a person tests negative, and they take that to mean they haven't caught anything, they then go out a week later and mix with people. Will they need another test, and how many times does a person need to be tested after that.

      The hotspot isn't visual, there is no barrier, viruses travel anywhere at any time. They will resurface somewhere else. Transmission can be slowed down but it will not be eradicated completely.

  18. I have days when I get very tearful and afraid of what's happening and what will happen in the future. I feel alone in my views as even most of my family seem to be just accepting everything without questions. But then other days I just think to hell with all the rubbish and try to get on with my life as best I can and ignore the news and hype. But just going to the shops drags me down again as soon as I see people wearing masks and making a big thing of his sanitizing, trolley sanitizing etc. I do not wear a mask and just wash my hands when I get home. I'm glad I'm 68 and have so many memories of normal life to remember.

    1. Thank you for your kind reply yes i feel the same but like you i try to and live my best and not get me down too much. I am 59 and i have some good memories of better times and try to be grateful each day for the little things. Its the younger generation i fear and feel so sorry for what kind of a world will they grow up in if everything so to be so controlled. Have a lovely day xxxxx

    2. Thank you Linda and LindaR. You are not alone. I can't stand looking at masked faces, that's why I don't go to town any more. Try shopping half an hour before the shop closes when it's quiet.

    3. Thanks Ilona for your support. It's lovely being part of this community, it gives me courage and strength to keep going.

  19. Btw, Ilona, have you seen this?

    “Lockdown Sceptics has published a brilliant new briefing document for MPs that explains very clearly (with oodles of illuminating graphs) how the fatally flawed PCR test, which was never designed to be used on an industrial scale, has given the false appearance of a deadly autumn epidemic when in fact the underlying signals, such as GP respiratory consultations, hospital admissions and overall deaths, are normal.

    It is authored by Dr Mike Yeadon, Dr Clare Craig, Jonathan Engler and Christian McNeill, and comes with all their expertise and experience as they set out in clear terms the issues and the evidence.”

    They are suggesting people consider sending the pdf to their MP, prior to the vote on Tuesday. ‘Write to Them’ is a good site to use.

    1. Thank you Barbara. I haven't see that document, thanks for the link, many doctors are saying the PCR test is flawed. It was never meant for this. Why are the government ignoring this information. Mass testing inflates the numbers, people are getting tested when they don't need to. It's the numbers that are driving the lockdowns. Dr Mike Yeadon has done many interviews on this subject.

  20. I have edited the post to include links to sites with further information. Never stop asking questions.

  21. I have "smelt a rat" connected to corvid 19 for a while. My goodness look around you and see how we have allowed them to change our way of life because of it. It is scary now. I remember reading about a virus being deliberately released around the world, and how they were going to use it to take our power away from us, vaccinate us, bankrupt us and introduce tough new laws of which would make normal actions classed as being a crime. I had mocked this after first learning about it and classed the Author as mad. Please everyone make sure you keep an open mind about everything that is going on in the world today. please stay safe.

    1. Thank you Alana. You are now classed as a conspiracy theorist, but don't worry. David Icke made the prediction 25 years ago and everyone thought he was mad. I watched a video of a speech he gave 25 years ago at a University, everything he said confirms what is happening now.

  22. Theres nothing wrong with asking questions but you need to be balanced.
    My son has had the virus, he is 32 very fit, runs marathons. It didnt affect him other than he had a really awful continuous cough for 3 days. He also said the fatigue was awful. Imagine if he had visited my elderly parents or come home to visit us via public transport?
    I agree that elderly and vulnerable people will die but should we hasten that date by not taking precautions to ensure that doesn't happen? If they caught this illness, should we just leave them to get on with it or do we take them into hospital to get care and make them more comfortable and lessen the suffering?
    This is what we are being asked to do, ensure we keep the infection rate down to let the hospitals cope.
    My close relative is a respiratory consultant, he is on the front line. He insists his parents stay at home. He is more than qualified to say that.

    The vaccine should be a massive turning point. I really hope we will back to relative normality next year.

    1. I also meant to add, I do find some of the sceptic stuff to be particularly crazy but it's important to question it, we can't have a lockdown every winter (as the NHS also struggles then and is at 80-90% ICU capacity). Lockdown could end up being an alternative to properly funding the NHS or having a grown up discussion about it.

    2. That's an interesting thought, Gill. A lockdown every year. Why have we never had a lockdown before when the seasonal flu has killed so many during the winter months?

    3. I would think we have a flu vaccine that keeps numbers down so the hospitals can cope. Coronavirus is new, add that to the patients who are already hospitalized due to flu and saturation levels are quickly reached.

      As I said it's right to ask questions, but at this point in time I do think suitable precautions have to be taken. I'm not convinced a full lockdown followed by a flawed tier system is the right thing to do. However the vaccine (which should not be compulsory) should prove to be the turning point.

  23. I do wonder daily what our future will be now every thing is so messed up and controlled.ivfeel very sorry for the people who are I'll but equally sorry for people who have lost their job or their business it really is no joke how will we recover as a country I don't not a clever person but I can see a lot wrong with it all it could have been handled so very boys have come back from university with degrees and master's but they are too scared to even put a foot outside.they are scareing the life out of people.god bless you Liona and everyone out there where it will end I hate to thinkxx

    1. I am not clever either, Jo, but all the information is out there on the internet. If people don't make a stand now the freedom that our fathers and grandfathers fought for will all evaporate. Look to China because we are heading in that direction. Try and reassure your boys. It is safe to go outdoors, just stay away from people. Get regular exercise by walking in quiet places.

  24. I saw the protests in London today. This is the start. People have had enough. I hope they start riots. It's the only way we will make all the sheep see this is a scam

    1. Not just London, it's happening all around the world. The protests in Paris are all out battles, in Germany they are using water cannons.

    2. I sincerely hope you mean peaceful demonstrations as opposed to rioting.

  25. Go Ilona!
    I hope more people in the USA get your attitude.

  26. well said and agree with it, Jo

  27. Ilona, I believe you live in Lincolnshire, a large rural area which is in Tier 3 because some of it is next to the Humber. Is this right? I live in East Sussex, but the adjoining county of Kent has been put into Tier 3 because of cases in Thanet on the north coast. So the WHOLE of the county has been placed under these draconion restrictions because of a relatively small area on its edge. This does not make sense. Like your other readers, I would like to see Covid figures broken down much more, and a more targeted approach, i.e. local lockdowns where the infection rates are rising. I would also like to daily breakdown of hospital beds being used for COVID patients including the Nightingale hospitals.
    Almost overnight we've turned from a democracy to a tyranny, forcing us to have a vaccine which has not been properly tested. I really fear for our future.

    1. Yes, I live in a large rural area, and don't very often go out of it. I see that Kent has the same problem of the whole area being locked down. Our democratic rights are being taken away from us. The police now have been trained to tackle protesters to the ground with brute force, it's becoming a war zone out there. The pictures coming out of other countries are all the same.

      People think that 2021 will be a new start, but it won't. We are told that we should be looking after the NHS, I thought it was the other way round, that they should be looking after us. I have hardly needed it in all my 71 years, but I fear it won't be there if and when I do. That's why I am trying to look after myself for as long as possible.

  28. Hi Ilona, thank you for your reply. You're right about the NHS; it's no longer a service for the people but an institution which is served by the people. Like you, I'm trying to stay well and keep away from it.

    Regards, Amanda

  29. Am I missing something? What advantage is it to the powers that be to keep us in lockdown and force us to have a vaccination? Surely they would rather have us running around working and earning money to fill the coffers. I understand we should question but what rights do you feel have been eroded? Regarding mask wearing I cannot agree. Worked in an operating theatre for years. Don't think my health was compromised and certainly protected the patient from airborne germs getting into their wounds.

    1. You are missing something if you only look at the mainstream news, television, radio, newspapers. Try some of the links I added to the bottom of the post. Everything that has happened has been planned. We are not in an isolated bubble in the UK. Be sure that the Government are not bothered about us. All this, we are in it together, talk is not true. Who has the most money, who are the riches people on earth? They want everyone to shop with Amazon. Check yooootoooob. Watch UK Column news.

    2. They didn't need a pandemic to make the rich richer. It has been happening for years. Bezos is a multi billionaire. Not through my purchases though. I don't buy a load of stuff. Neither do I buy into the conspiracy theories. If they wanted to subdue us all they need is to dope the water or food. Easy. I am aware the government are not bothered about us. Glad I didn't vote this shower in. Since when have the ruling classes cared about the little people? I'm not sure a revolution is going to improve matters though.

  30. Brilliant post, Ilona. These are valid, important questions. We're living in truly dark days for democracy, freedom, basic rights and privacy. This is nothing to do with healthcare and all to do with power, control and domination. This first-of-its-kind, rushed through, unlicensed, no liability Messenger RNA vaccine is about to basically genetically modify human beings and make billions for the pharmaceutical companies. No thanks.

  31. I've been sent a link to an interesting site. Will post it here, if you want to take a look copy and paste it into your address bar.

  32. I know people who have the virus, who never went to hospital and they recovered from it. Some family memebers didn't feel well but they didn't get it. One was a pastor at our church and other pastor whose wife got it. There is more things popping up here and there in USA that go against what has been happening. Will see how it goes here and over there in England.

  33. Nicely put Ilona, I'm going to have a look at all those links.
    Have you seen the Spanish peer reviewed (a term I'd never heard of until this year) study of treating coronavirus patients with vitamin D or calcifediol (what your body turns vitamin D into), astonishing results.

  34. I haven't heard of the Spanish Peer Review, but I have read about vitamin D. I take one every day. There are good reports on how helpful it can be.


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