Friday, 20 November 2020

Thanks David.

I've just spent an enjoyable night with David Jason. Started off with Only Fools and Horses, finished up with Open All Hours. Laughed my head off.  
Now going to bed. Goodnight. ilona


  1. Open All Hours would be my favourite TV series. I am currently watching Last of the Summer Wine and plan on Dad's Army next. (We bought a lot of DVD series when we never watched TV)

    1. Hard to pick out a favourite. We were blessed with so many good actors, and hilarious story lines. When these were made I don't think they realised how important they would be for future generations. I hope they are preserved forever.

  2. Oh I love the good old fashioned British comedy shows.Steptoe and son,Bless this House,George n Mildred ect.I must live in a time warp because I still have the same cups and saucers from in that show.Plus a tank top very much the same as the one David Jason is wearing!Where I grew up there was a shop like this on all the street corners...butchers,newsagents,clothing shops,watch repairs,chip shops,shoe shops,a dairy at the bottom of the street.People always visited their local shop with their shopping basket in those days!xx

    1. I can just picture our village shop from 60 years ago. Not much room inside because stock was stacked everywhere. Mr and Mrs Walker there to serve you. It was a sweetie haven to go and spend our pocket money in. Pick up a small paper bag and fill it with penny chews.

  3. I love David Jason it does not matter what he is in it's always good.
    I had knitted a tank top like his for my husband and I have still got it in a box somewhere.
    They certainly don't make the comedy shows now it's good that at least they still put them on our screens and we can have a laugh at.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  4. So many of the old comedies were brilliant. They wouldn't get away with some of the scripts now would they? political correctness would rear its head.

  5. Here in the US I rely on British comedies - always have since I was a teenager. The Public Broadcasting System played a few on Saturday nights and, since I was not the most popular girl on the block, happily stayed home and watched the tube. I'm a big David Jason fan - "Only Fools and Horses", "Open All Hours" and "Frost" are all such a pleasure to watch!


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