Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Mary Hopkin. The voice of an angel

This song popped into my head yesterday, must have been feeling a bit nostalgic. Mary Hopkin was born in the month of May, one year after I was. Those Were the Days was produced by Paul McCartney it was released in the UK on 30th August 1968.

Songs often come into my head, reminding me of the past. Those were the days indeed, happy times in the sixties. Singing and dancing, such fun. 
Catch ya later. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Love this song!.It reminds me of happy times and dancing away at Top Rank and Leicester Palais when I was about 12 or 13.They used to open on Saturday mornings for us young uns and we used to have a ball.Then from there over the road to Lewis department store to listen to all the latest records that we couldnt afford to buy,lol.Happy Days.xx

  2. That was the first record I ever bought. I was 10 in 1968

  3. I sure remember that song. It is still fun to listen to it.


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