Thursday, 26 November 2020

Indoor use only.

How about this then, warm snugly boots for in the home. Fully lined with fleece, two pairs of socks underneath, my feet are toasty. I look like a little Eskimo. They were a Christmas present last year. I have only just got round to wearing them, wanted to keep them clean. Must remember not to go outside in them. 
I made a video this morning but it was a bit too long, so I deleted it. Maybe try again tomorrow. 

I'm having a sort out in the small bedroom which used to be my office. I have filing cabinets and drawers full of stationary and suchlike. Paper, envelopes, notebooks, folders, plastic pockets. I shall box it all up and offer it free to anyone who wants it in the village. The paper would be suitable for kids drawing. the play group might like it. 

I have seen some Christmas lights going up on people's houses. I have brought my little light up tree down to make the room more cheerful. 

I've just watched a live discussion on zoom. Couldn't join in, it was for guest speakers only. 

Going out for a walk now. Adios. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! I found your blog from Living Richly in Retirement! SCORE for me! Thanks

  2. nice, cozy boots you have. I have a pair of Ugg boots I usually wear indoors, although I do go outdoors with them when going to the mailbox once in awhile. They keep me warm indoors, especially on chilly days. Have a good weekend!

    1. It's very tempting to nip out to the dustbin wearing them. They are too big to put a pair of slippers or boots on the top.

  3. The slippers look so cosy and are probably machine washable too.

  4. Oh i love your indoor booties. I got a present of a pair 2 years ago for xams. Mine are navy with coloured striped pattern and i wear them chunky bedsocks i bought cheap some where maybe primark which i don't go often. Frosty cold start here in Dublin i will visit my sister this afternoon and pop in to Tesco and Dealz just for a few things. Have a good day all x

  5. Those boot slippers are lovely and cozy.I used to have a pair but they wore out a couple of years ago.Lovely with socks under them as well to keep feet extra warm.I have only got one pair of socks left,because although I stitched up where the heels had gone threadbare, after a few wearings,the hole continued to grow up my ankle,lol.So Im going to use Hubbys old ones to last me a bit longer!Oh please dont delete your videos,because you feel they are too long!!.I feel like I have got an old friend around my house when I see that you have made one and sit and have a cuppa with you!!xx

  6. Are those the kind of boots with leathern soles??

    1. No, completely knitted, with little blobs of soft plastic on the soles to stop slipping. All my floors are carpeted except for the kitchen.


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