Wednesday, 18 November 2020

My babies.

The wind is howling outside, but we are snug and warm inside. Mayze on her office chair.
Oscar on the best office chair.

And this is my office chair. Not much chance of relaxing on that. 

Goodnight and Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Hi there Ilona I always read your blog daily as I love money saving ideas and your walking story's.i have to say the most endearing thing about your is the wonderful way you look after your lovley cats.they always look so content and happy with you.your a great mum to them you buy the food they love and they have lovley places to sleep around you.i wish there were many more careing pet owners like you it really does warm my heart and make me smile to see your happy home .

  2. I have only one office chair and Lola is not allowed on it. I have two TV chairs and Lola is welcome to sprawl over one of them, but prefers to sleep between my feet on mine.

  3. My living room looks very much like that!.All 5 cats curled up asleep,bless em,lol.Its a hard life being a cat,eating,sleeping and being fussed all time round,Im coming back as a cat then I can have a favourite chair,lol.xx

  4. Good morning oh your cats look so content and cosy. Well its a nice fresh sunny morning morning here in Dublin after a very stormy day yesterday. I had 2 cats sleep on my sofa last night and the other 2 at the end of my bed. I have 3 rescues and my oldest i got from a family member. I also love to read your blogs and watch your videos as i always look for money saving ideas but i don't always post. Have a lovely day all x

  5. Sweet kitties - they obviously know the best place to be when the weather is not nice.


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