Wednesday, 11 November 2020

My latest arty crafty makes. Video and pics.

Here is a bit more information and a closer look at the new artwork. I call it Pollution. 

It's been windy today and I haven't been out, so I'm going for a walk now. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Slightly unrelated to this post but have you any frugal experience of green or living roofs? I have a tin roof on my stone built shed and thinking if I threw a few hardy weeds and seed bombs up there, it might after a season? create a green roof?
    Also completely agree with the Irish Dr.

    1. I have no experience of green roofs, see Indigo's comment below. Try putting 'green roof' into the search facility on yooootoooob.

      A lot of people agreed with the Irish Doctor.

  2. Hi Lynn: I am ever so sorry to butt in as I know you were not asking me, but I think that perhaps a tin roof would rust quite quickly with a green/living roof.

    1. I think you might be right. All metal rusts, some quicker than others. Over time the roof would weaken and the weight might cause it to collapse.

    2. Thanks, no please butt in, any advice gratefully accepted. Yes I'd better Google in case I'm making the roof actually worse. I'd looked at those ready green roofing rolls and they are so expensive, I'd have been gutted it I'd bought then had to take it down. Wont matter as much sweeping my weeds off.
      Thanks Indigo and Ilona

  3. Well, I tried to guess how you would finish this and would never have imagined what you actually did. I think it's great. One question, did you just come by all those little plastic items randomly?

    1. Any small plastic or metal pieces I come across, I throw in a box for future use. I have got lots more, too many really.

  4. I love those tiny gold flowers, are they buttons?

    1. Not buttons. I bought a box of jewellery from a car boot sale for £1. They were a necklace I took apart.

  5. I love your creativity, and I know that I say this a lot to you, but you do inspire me, especially at the moment when things are not looking good. At least in our patch of the world we are OK because we can craft! Vx

  6. I noticed,late last night that you had done a video,but I saved watching it until this morning for something to look forward to when I got up!.I drank my first cup of tea watching and I do agree with you about drinking tap water.A few years ago,a famous chef said that he was stopping selling bottled water because he was using a room to store it in and noticed that it was there for months at a time.Who wants to drink water that has stood for months.I then started thinking...How long is it between being bottled and then us buying it from the supermarkets to drink? So since then I have only ever drank tap water.The detail in your latest work is amazing!.It must take you hours to do but the end result is always great!Well a long walk is on the cards for me this afternoon so I have got that to look forward to.You are so right that we need to do something that we enjoy,however small and keep on plodding on.We will get there in the end.We Can Do This!!.Take care everyone and thank you Ilona for the video,xx

  7. That artwork makes a powerful statement! Thank you.


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