Friday, 20 November 2020

Nice to chat with someone new.

The weather is changing day by day. yesterday it was a lovely sunny day, just right for a walk, today dull and gloomy, so a day indoors. 
I was ten minutes into the walk when I came across a young man in his little pickup truck, I have seen him before, he works for Lord Sheffield who owns the estate. He stopped to chat. What a nice young man he is, 17 years old, loves his job, goes to college two days a week to study land management, has a girlfriend and a dog. I am nosey you see. It was refreshing to have a grown up conversation with a level headed and interesting teenager. I hope he does well for himself in his career. 
 I had to up my pace after that. After standing talking for half an hour there was a chance that I might run out of daylight again. I marched on, not stopping for the rest of the walk. 
The sun was going down just as I was arriving back in the village, and the moon was visible. 
The floodlit church looks mysterious. 
After lunch today I went into the kitchen and gave it a good going over. I do that every so often, when I am fed up of the mess. All is tidy again now. 

Once again I am sitting on the cheap office chair, both cats are occupying the best ones. 

That's about it. Enjoy your weekend. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. A chat with a motivated and friendly teen gives us hope for the future. The church does look moody, like it belongs in Midsomer Murder shows.

    1. I was really impressed with his politeness, and rational thoughts.

  2. Wasn't that a gorgeous moon with two stars out last night?!! I saw that from clear over here in Maryland, USA. It was a lovely clear night here too.

    1. I like a moon shaped moon. The sky was clear here as well.

  3. The church photo reminds me of Tutbury church.And how nice to have a conversation with a level headed young person.My Grandson is like this.Hard working,never been in trouble and a joy to talk to.Where as some young ones where I live just seem interested in taking drugs and breeding more kids just to get more benifit money.I have noticed it starting to get a touch darker when I have been heading home at 4 oclock so I head for home at 3.30 now.I feel safer then and it gives me a bit more time for getting dinner and settling down for the evening in my fleece onsie.I feel as though I spend more time wearing that than I do my normal clothes,lol.It is a Harry Potter one that my Grandaughter was getting rid of because she is nearly 19 and felt that she was too old to wear it..well I am 65 and quite happy too snuggle down in it,lol.Have a great weekend,xx

    1. I must go out a bit earlier so I can get back before dark. Trouble is everything is last minute with me. Now I have changed the time on my watch to the exact correct time, that might help a bit.


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