Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Basket case ;o)

A corner of my kitchen just after I have had a tidy up. I try and keep it tidy, but this corner gets a bit busy after I have been shopping. In the basket on the left are bananas, onions, and potatoes. Other fruits are in a bowl, and loose. I keep them visible to remind me that I must eat them. The smaller basket in the corner is where I keep the stick blender and a toilet roll, in case I need to wipe up a spillage. The basket on the right is for bread, crackers, buns, cake and biscuits. Yes, I do have the occasional sweet treat, I am allowed.  
As this is the side where I do my prep, the mini chopper is kept here because I use it most days. 
Just along from there on the same side, next to the cooker, are a couple of trays, which I keep forgetting to use. Mostly I walk through to the next room with my meal, carrying  the plate. Four mugs which I saved from a skip. They were about to get chucked and I was there at the right time. You will see that a mug is upside down on a can of cider. I do that if I don't want to drink the cider all at once. Sometimes I drink it over two days. 

My glass chopping board lives here permanently. The picture isn't very clear because I put the flash on. First I put a pillow case or a tea towel down, lay the board on top, then fold it over to cover it. I can leave utensils and plates on the board and cover them up so that it looks tidy. The two knives, one for spreading one for peeling and chopping, always stay on the board. Sometimes I have a couple of spoons there as well. So all I have to do when starting to prepare food is lift the cover without having to go into the drawer for utensils. 

I think it's important to have a kitchen laid out properly so that everything is close to where you want to use it. My crockery cupboard is next to the sink so that when the pots have air dried on the drainer they can be put straight into the cupboard. 
My dried food, canned food, and cereals are in the tall cupboard to the left of the baskets. Easily reached when I prep a meal. 
The cooker is next to the chopping board, next to that is the microwave on top of a small cupboard, and next to that is the fridge freezer. All in a line, all on one side. 
I don't like a lot of clutter on the worktops, so as soon as I have finished making and eating a meal I rinse off the pots and pans, and put them on the drainer. Sometimes I get a bit lazy then I have to blitz the lot and have a big clean and tidy up. 
Kitchen and bathroom and toilets are priority here, they get cleaned. The other rooms do not have to be pristine. I live here, it's my home, it's not a show house. So if anyone comes to visit I point at the sign I have in the front porch, You are welcome to come in, but do not moan about the cat hairs. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I agree with you about keeping things organized, it makes it so much easier to prepare meals. Really love your chopping board set-up.

  2. Evening your kitchen units and worktop look quite similar to mine. Its a lovely kitchen. I also have things in place where i can reach easily for food prep.

  3. Like you Ilona I have two cats Amy and Benny and always try my best to keep the kitchen clean and tidy although Benny is elderly and sometimes gets confused so I clear up after him a lot, also bathroom and toilets are a must to keep clean. I dont get many visitors as we have been shielded my sister has been calling to tidy the garden but basically its just us and I have the same mindset regarding cat hairs etc. Its your home and yours to enjoy and do what you love and like. Love to you, Mayze and Oscar. xxx Liz Amy and Benny.

  4. enjoyed seeing your kitchen organization. Gave me a couple of ideas, though I arrange mine similarly. Fruits viewable makes us remember to eat them. I also have a container filled with varied granola bars that my 12 year old can grab when he's hungry.
    I love the door sign. I may have to make one similar. One dog and one white cat make their presence known on clothing.

  5. Your cleaning routine is much like mine, kitchen and bathroom must be cleaned daily, the other rooms can wait a while as long as the bed is neatly made and newspapers cleared from the living/dining room.

  6. Your kitchen looks very well thought out and very neat.

    I like my worktops to have the things I use daily on them and space to use them. The back of the worktop in one corner here in my current tiny kitchen is given over to my jars of dried goods, they just won't fit in the cupboards at the moment. It doesn't help that after unpacking I discovered that I have lots of duplicates including three jars of rice, one brown and two white ... so I am eating quite a bit of rice at the moment to get back to just two.

  7. Your kitchen looks very neat and organised.Mine is most of the time..other times it looks like a bomb has gone of in there,lol.The cats dont help matters because they jump on to the surfaces..my Dad would have had a dicky fit,lol...but as my cousin says,Ive never caught anything off them so it must be alright!She has got 5 cats the same as me!xx

  8. Wonderful ideas. I may use some of them.


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