Saturday, 21 November 2020

Saturday morning thoughts. Pick and mix.

 Charles Dance looks pretty good for 74. 

What's going on with those two silly wags. C'mon Mrs Vardy and Mrs Rooney, for Gods sake get yourselves sorted out. Two mothers having a playground spat, costing them thousands, but I don't suppose they care. It's all about, she said that and she said this. What a chuffin waste of time. If you hate each other just go your separate ways. 

Amazed at the Daily Fail headline this morning. Have they done a U turn. Moving on from project scare the shit out of everybody, to telling it like it really is.. 

The best Black Friday deal. You can fly to Barcelona for £8.99. But don't bank on being able to come back again.

Doctor Michael Mosely is talking common sense again. The secret to treating diabetes is losing weight. 

There is a nasal spray which could be ready in weeks, to protect from the convids. It lasts 48 hours, so when you get ready to go out give yourself a quick squirt up the nostrils and you will be safe. You can chuck your masks away when you have protection from within. 

Oh dear, Ruthie has been caught cheating. Celebrity viewers were left fuming. She really shouldn't be talking about her shagging session with prince eddy. 

Good to see that Katie Piper has received an honorary doctorate for her work as health care leader. She came through a terrible ordeal to achieve great things. 

When I look at Mr Hancocks face, I wonder if he ever has sex. Can't imagine him getting excited. 

Rishi is still on a spending spree. Is there any money left in the pot? 

Jim Davidson is doing a lockdown diary on yooootoooob, every morning except Sunday. I like his rants. 

It's flippin cold, Oscar has been in for his breakfast, now Mayze is up and wants hers. I'm going to put the heating on and make porridge. Then decide what to do for the rest of the day. A billy walk is planned for this afternoon. 

Ave a nice day. Don't do anything that I wouldn't do. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I like your pick and mix Ilona! I laughed out loud with your comment about Matt Hancock! I've not heard about the nasal spray before - could be a game changer! Like you I have had a bowl of porridge but topped mine with a big spoonful of strawberry jam. Hope you have a nice day and walk with Billy. :)

  2. When I just read your funny comments I laughed so much I couldn't stop.i got rid of my TV back in march as I couldn't bear him drowning on every day have a lovley day you are full of humer just what we needx

  3. Sorry I meant to say I got rid of the TV as I couldn't stand the Mr Hancock's and the suits drowning on and is much better without the tv

    1. Thank you Jo. I think you mean droning, not drowning, although I think some people would like to see him drowned.

  4. OMG hilarious, lol! I literally laughed out loud when I got to the Hancock bit! 😂 The only downside is, I now have a horrible image in my head of his face contorted in the throes of passion - something I'd rather not see! Thanks for giving me a good giggle though 😁 xx

  5. It's like a whistle stop version of what work colleagues would chatter about during the day.
    It was very amusing. 😊

  6. Thank you for that...............saved me watching the news! If you did this everyday it would be very handy.

    I hadn't thought about sex and Matt Hancock but now you mention it I reckon he would be extremely boring!

    1. I think Matt might need a manual before he attempts it.

  7. You are so right Ilona the world is a basketcase and its lovely to escape and have a nice walk, do arts and crafts love your beautiful fur babies read relax now and again and enjoy your coffee. Thanks for your thoughts they are similar to mine we are on the same wavelength. Love Liz Amy and Benny. Enjoy your

  8. The news in a nutshell .... and with humour. Thanks Ilona, have a good weekend.

  9. I, too, laughed out loud - then had a little think about it and felt decidedly bilious.

  10. Being on the other side of the world, I don't know any of those people but I still enjoyed reading about them.

  11. Oh I love Jim Davidsons rants.He really tells it as it is!.Thanks for this though,because it has saved me reading the papers on line...although I didnt know that Ruthie had been shagging Eddie..I might sneak a peak at that one because Im not sure which Ruthie you mean.Surely not Eamons wife?!!....Mean while,here in Leicester,Im going to peel the spuds in my red lingerie..not sure about that spelling...that is displaying my ample bosom and my pert bottom then Im going to dash to the shops with my 22 year old toyboy following our night of passion,then have a snog with him in the street because we cant keep our hands off each other.Have a lovely Sunday!!,xx


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