Sunday, 29 November 2020

Fuzzy head

I haven't had time to write a post today, it's been a bit manic, things to do. I started on some more bunting, my friend gave me some lovely silky fabric so I cut out the flags, sewed them up, and ironed them flat. That's as far as it's gone. 
I sorted out some stuff to give away. Emptied the filing cabinet in the office, picked out some other things that I don't want, photographed them and listed them on our village page. Messages came flying in, can I have this, can I have that, me tapping away on the keyboard, trying to keep track of things. Yes it's yours, when are you coming to collect. Some people came straight away, collect from the porch, me standing back as they help themselves. Five out of the seven items gone. 
Oscar has taken to using the bed underneath the table outside the back door. It has a manky cushion in it which has been rained on numerous times. It's very stinky. I thought he should have a new clean bed underneath there, so I got a spare drawer out of the garage. It was from an old dressing table, it fits perfectly under the table. A spare pillow, an old towel, and a bed throw makes a comfy bed for him. He has taken to coming into the house overnight which I am pleased about, but he likes to be outside a lot. I'll see if he uses the new bed tomorrow. 
I've got a commission to make two shopping bags. These will be a bit different, with linings and gussets, as they are to be Christmas presents. 
One hour chat with my sister this afternoon, so no walking done yet, still time to do a village walk. 
I was going to cut down on my time on the computer today, but it hasn't happened. Comments to moderate here and on the yooootoooob channel, and the monitoring of enquiries for the giveaways. My head is a bit fuzzy, too much screen time I think. 
Mayze has discovered the joys of warming her back on the radiator on the landing. 
Thank you all for your comments on the previous post, we got quite a good discussion going there. I will leave you with one of the troll comments, the rest were deleted. 

You are either cleverer than all the scientists and politicians put together or you’ve lost your mind. Either way I’ve had enough of your ignorant rants. Stay safe goodbye

Thanks for popping in. and don't forget, Tuesday is check in day for the international Walking Group. Tattybyes.  Toodle pip.  ilona



  1. Thats friendly...😳 better they say goodbye then probably. Shame some people cant be up for a polite discussion or be able to restrain themselves to just not comment and read something else. I have a very similar cat to you. She is a rescue girl version called 'kitkat. She has very similar markings. Also an outdoors lover who only comes in late at night after Ive asked several times out of the back door. She will suddenly come running even though I could clearly see her on the lawn or under the hedge before. She is a little odd in general though. Good idea to put the bed under the table. I do find cats like to have something over their heads often like a hedge or a chair. My old tiger cat used to always sit under a chair in the living room and watch us like it was his station post.

    1. Oscar has another bed further up the garden in a shelter. For some reason he has started to stay around the back door a bit more. Cats are funny.

  2. You have been very busy I am sure the shopping bags will be welcome for presents. I have made 2 for family presents this week they are always useful.
    I can not understand people taking the time to be so nasty life is bad enough has it is.
    Hope you had a walk.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

    1. Hello Hazel. Just back from two miles around the village. Several other people walk at night. More lights going up in front of houses. Looking pretty.

  3. I quite enjoy seeing people collect stuff I no longer need, happy to see things go to a new home.

    1. The lady who took the basket hamper was over the moon with it.

  4. My husband is sometimes very good at the "click and collect" kind of arrangement but he truthfully hates to let things go; it's the one source of contention between us! I realize that there are some projects I will never realize or certain things I really don't need and it gives me joy to donate them. Different stroke!
    At least the troll was somewhat polite! I don't think I would take offence at being told I'd lost my mind - my mind has always been a wandering thing!

  5. Evening all yes its good of get rid of stuff you don't need thats taking up space and others can use. I do a clear out a few times a year and give it to local charity shops. My cats love their comfort too and always pick and choose form the sofa my corner chair with cushions on it or my bed. They stay home more in winter apart from one of my males who likes to be out more tho his brother is the opposite and prefers outdoors mainly. both of them are rescues along with a tabby female and my oldest who will be 10 in March i got from a relative. About trolls you are right to delete nasty comments it they cannot give constructive differant point of view well why come on to a page to you don't agree with to be horrible. Unfortunalty thats seems to be a big thing with anyone who does blogs on facebook youtube and any where really but the good thing is the delete and block button lol. there is a man i listen on youtube and also has a facebook page an English man called Carl Vernon worth a listen to on this covid situation and of coarse i do muss Dr Coleman. Good Evening from Dublin a chilly one here.

    1. I watch Carl Vernon. Dr Coleman is on Brand New Tube, but doesn't seem to post very often now.


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