Thursday, 3 December 2020

Another little job completed.

 It's been raining all day. Looks like Billy is not going to get a walk. He doesn't like getting wet, and neither do I. If it stops later on I will go for him, but if not we will go out in the morning. That's if it's stopped raining by then. 

In the meantime I have finished the two bags I was asked for. I don't normally do commissions, but I was ok with this. I haven't used the sewing machine for a while, and I fancied making a big bag with a lining as opposed to a single layer simple to make shopping bag. They've worked out really well. 

A lot of careful measuring and cutting out to make sure the linings fit together perfectly with the outside. The sides have gussets five inches wide. The ends of the handles are enclosed between the inner and outer layers. Two rows of stitching around the top to secure them. The fabric was given to me. You may remember that a neighbour gave me lots of black bin bags full of fabric which were part of a house clearance they were doing. I still have plenty left.  

Half past four and it's dark. I prefer to go out once a day, even if it's not very far. The plan is to go to Aldi tonight, it's been three weeks since I last went. 

Maze is telling me she wants food. Thanks for popping in. Catch ya soon. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. We have had rain all day as well.
    I love the fabric you have used for the bags and will be very useful and sure your friend will be pleased.
    I have been sorting out my Christmas cards, I am cutting back on whom I send to especially now the stamps are so expensive. There is certain people I need to send cards because I do letters as well, we have kept in touch for over 40/ 50 years they take along while for my
    writing is not so good..Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  2. Evening Ilona its dark here by 4.30pm too and also getting colder the last few days. the bags turned out beautiful well done x.

  3. It's rained here all day too. Its very cold and dark with sleet forecast for this evening.
    The bags are really lovely...

  4. Hello Ilona,I did my morning walk in the rain and it rained off and on for the rest of the day. And becoming colder as well.
    Switched the lights on at 3 pm as it's dark very early in my lovely home on days like this.
    I sewed a Sinterklaas (Dutch children's traditional feast on December 5th.) surprise/present for one of my grandchildren, turned out neat and sweet :>)
    I love the bags you made. Beautiful fabrics and excellent sewing!
    Cheers, Jeanneke.

  5. Lovely bags Ilona and I bet they will give the owners of them many,many years use.If I lived near you I would buy some from you in a heart beat!.I have got some of the smaller shopping bags that I have had for years and they still wash up like new.Why any one would buy plastic supermarket bags these days,I dont know!.When there is so much lovely spare materials,from worn out clothes,bedding and curtains.Well it has rain all day here as well so I havent left the house apart from moving my dustbin to be emptied this morning.Although I did walk up and down the stairs 30 times just to get some steps in!.One of these days,I am going to do some ironing as well,lol.xx

    1. Ironing! The only time I switch my iron on is if I am sewing something that needs ironing as I make it.

  6. I love those fabrics, perfect for bags.

    1. I was so lucky at being in the right place at the right time. The neighbour up the road offered the fabric to me. Couldn't resist.

  7. Person who tested, you are working.

    1. Thank you, I have received your comment, and will make notes for my next video.

  8. The bags look lovely, I like the pink flowered fabric, reminds me of a dress a friend's mum used to wear to Church.

  9. I love the flower material and can imagine a nice skirt for the summer made with that. You are so talented. I’m pleased the charity shops are finally back open so that I can hunt for some material now as I plan to teach myself how to use the sewing machine properly. My sewing machine attempts always come out messy and unprofessional so I am going to try and teach myself with the help of YouTube. Today looks less cold here which is a relief. Hope you have a good day x


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