Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Coffee chat with a laugh

It's been a sewing day today. Gloomy outside. Never mind let's have a chuckle. A video hot off the press. 
I'm almost falling asleep and it's not yet 7pm. Must be that long train journey to the North Pole, ha ha. 
We'll catch up tomorrow, perhaps, if I have anything to say. Toodle pip.


  1. Here in USA there is a programme called Saturday Night Live. One of the skits was a couple trying to date at the lady's house whilst her pet cat kept bothering them. I thought it was very funny and you might like to see it. You would find it on Utube under SNL Pet Cat. A male actor plays the cat and you need to watch it to the end. He has cats' traits down to a tee and must have owned one at some time.

  2. A gree with you completely Ilona I think political correctness has killed off a lot . TV came to Australia in 1956 for the Olympic Games . There was live shows and others like some mothers do have them, as time goes by. we liked the English better than the usa life brings problems and sadness we need a laugh to cheer one another along there is nothing better nana down under best wishes

    1. I could never get into US comedy, it is completely different.

  3. Oh I have had a lovely visitor to my house and it has cheered me up already!!.I had just made my first cup of tea,clicked on and there you were!!.Love it and we were wearing the same dressing gown only mines slightly more pink...and I had got a scarf on as well cause Im a bit of a wimp,lol.My cats are all snuggled up on the most comfy chairs as well.Your so right about the old comedy shows on television and there isnt anything to match them now.The world has gone PC mad and them people bloody offend me because they are so offended about anything they can think of...If you get my drift,lol.I would have loved to have been at one of the talks you I correct in thinking that a few years back you did one for all men and it went down really well?...I think I warned you at the time to be careful if you spot them passing a beer mug round and putting fivers in it,lol.Any way thank you for popping into my house today,I have really enjoyed your company!.Well its a really wet and rainy day here in Leicester so it might be a You Tube morning for me.I love watching live webcams in Brighton where you can see people walking along the sea front and Brighton pier with the sea washing up on the pebble beach.Im off to make my self another cup of tea now.Toodle pip!xx

    1. I used to do the odd talk now and again for mixed groups, and male groups. They went down very well.

  4. Good morning Ilona and all. Yes i loved the old comedies too One foot in the grave was another favourite Fawlty and some mothers do ave em. I still watch them on youtube now and then. Just going to have my first cup of coffee i woke early and fell back asleep. I am still in my warm pjs lol

    1. Hello Linda. For a bit of relaxation after a hard day, ha ha, I finish off with a good British comedy.

  5. This really cheered me up Ilona. I left you a comment on YouTube. :)

    1. Thank you. Can't do smileys on this old keyboard :o)


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