Saturday, 5 December 2020

Mobile gift shop.

 I woke up with an idea in my head this morning. I had arranged to deliver the two bags  I made for a friend in the village. I said I would bring some things she could look over to see if there was anything which would be suitable for gifts for her family. So I bagged and priced it all up, and laid it out in the car. A mobile Christmas gift shop. 

She was very pleased with the bags, and bought several more items, three shopping  bags, three rope bowls, and a few other bits and bobs. So now I am going to spread the word around that if anyone else wants to see what I have, I can drive my shop to their house and stand well back while they choose. All done outdoors. I am fundraising for Goodheart Animal Charity, near Kidderminster. They rescue farm animals. All sales will go to that. 

The Christmas lights are appearing, makes the village look very pretty. I did my usual three miles tonight. I will walk on tarmac for the time being because the field tracks are getting very muddy with all the rain. 

I am pleased to see this display back again. They didn't put it out last year because it was vandalised the previous year. I see that it has shrunk a bit and is sited close to the house.

This is a tiny garden, but they have filled it with lots of pot plants. 

The big tree on the Village Green. There has been no mention of Carol singing around the tree this year, so I suppose that's been cancelled. 
As we are in early December I think there will be more to come. The decorations make walking around the village at night quite pleasant. 
Mayze has just got up, she has been in bed all afternoon. Spose she is ready for her dinner. I'll cut you loose. We'll catch up later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. What a wonderfull idea your Mobile Christmas shop is especially it is for charity and there is some lovely gifts there.
    Your village lights are beautiul. Our village started on the 1st December and I hope to walk round mine next week with my daughter.
    We have just had our Zoom Carol service, money is going to disabled children in the area.
    Thank you IIona.
    Hazel c uk ������

  2. Well done Ilona on your shop. It looks great. As a family we are going much smaller on Christmas, and I am looking for hand made, light, cheap to post gifts for my family

  3. What a wonderful idea and going to an animal charity they all badly need funding all year round but more so at this time of year. The xmas outdoor decorations in the village look great. My small town has has also done very well with outdoor ones the past 2 years. I may take some pics again this year for my face book page to share.

  4. Ilona, I love the blue flags right in the middle of the photo. I would pay more than you are asking for your charity but presume you don't want to be running to the post office, or accepting PayPal payments. I'll keep visiting the local markets to see what hand crafted items I can find.

  5. You do come up with some good idea's Ilona. Let's hope you sell plenty.

  6. The lights look wonderful! I rarely see lights around my suburb, most people just put a huge red bow or strips of tinsel on their gate and that's it. In different suburbs I've lived in, just a few go all out with lights and sparkly ornaments, inflatable reindeer etc. and crowds of people walk the streets to see them.

  7. Nice idea of doing a mobile shop. You make some nice crafts. I used to do counted cross stitch. I am sure I can make bags/purses as well. Not this year. I need to get my photos printed for my 3 calendars I'm making for a few gifts. We just got back from a walk and we saw some pretty Christmas lights around in our neighborhood. I wore a lighted necklace. I can make it blink but usually don't do it. One neighbor man thought it was cool looking and i showed him how it looking when flashing. Gotta have some fun while walking around this holiday season in the dark. We walk a mile. Phil usually does another lap but didn't this evening due to working on part of soil by driveway, taking some soil out and putting it in a hole by tree our at one time younger son and friend dug for some reason. It didn't go into the roots though. Bricks around 3 sides already done. Rocks eventually and plants in the spring, that we have already. Have a good weekend!!x------x Becky

  8. I hope your mobile shop works and you raise lots for the charity.

  9. Your mobile shop sounds a great idea and Im sure that you will raise a lot of money for your charity.xx

  10. Your mobile shop is a great idea, hope you raise lots of money for the charity. The village lights are wonderful and very welcome right now.

  11. Brilliant idea with the mobile shop. You are a Star x

  12. Your ideas are always super duper to animal charities is always a kind giving thing to do I expect they need donations a lot of animals get a rough deal these daysx

  13. Do you live near Kidderminster? I have a relative who lives in Greenway, Rock.
    Such a great idea to have a mobile shop.

    1. No, I don't. I went to visit them once so I have seen at first hand what they need donations for.

  14. Thank you for doing this ! You are so kind and such a friend to the animals.

  15. Hellooo from cold and frosty Wales! Brilliant idea with the mobile shop, hope you sell loads! It's gone midnight and I've been looking out of the window, everything's sparkling white with frost, looks pretty but I'm glad I don't have to drive first thing in the morning! The gritters were out in force tonight! The houses around here all have Christmas lights up and it all looked very festive earlier, they're all switched off for the night now though. It's very quiet outside, the sky's clear and full of stars, it looks beautiful. And on that note, I think it's time I went to bed, although my cat seems to have other ideas and wants to go out, but he's out of luck - I usually leave a window open so that he can get back in, but it's too cold to do that tonight so he's going to have to stay in until morning! Xxx

  16. What a brilliant idea to continue raising funds for your charity. It's nice walking round looking at the Christmas lights isn't it, and yes better to stay on Tarmac for the time being, everywhere is so muddy even after a little shower. I think our whole country is pretty saturated right now!!

  17. The mobile shop is a great idea Ilona! I hope that you get taken up on your offer of coming out to people with your lovely wares. Nice to see the place lit up for Christmas. :)

  18. The mobile shop is such a great idea, and for a good cause.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.