Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Sunny afternoon.

Good morning. The weather changes day by day. Yesterday it was sunny and I didn't need a jacket to go for a walk. I asked Angela if she wants to come, and she said yes, because she hasn't been on this route before. It was very muddy in some places, but the road section meant we could get a good stride going. We stepped aside to give this horse plenty of space. The rider stopped for a chat. A young lady taking her horse for an afternoon stroll. 
It's back to being dull and grey this morning. So what's the plan. I want to get on with the two bags I am making for a friend. I might get around to making a video, I'm a bit behind with that. Other jobs keep cropping up and I flit from one to the other. 

Thanks for all the comments yesterday. Nice to see some exciting walking miles. Keep it up. 

Now going to make a cooked breakfast, because I fancy one. I have eggs to use up. 

Catch ya later.  Toodle pip.  ilona

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos Ilona. Its a lovely sunny morning here in Dublin i am just back from a walk in our local park x


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