Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Cats and me, coffee chat.

Hello. The stew is bubbling away nicely on the stove, ten minutes and it will be ready. It smells lovely. Raining outside so unless it stops, I won't be going anywhere tonight.  
Made this video this morning. Just gone onto yooootoooob. 
Today I have been sewing, made another brooch, better than the first one. 
I went to the Post Office and it was closed. There was a notice on the door, it said technical difficulties. Not good, I wanted to post a small package. Will have to do it on Thursday.
The mobile library came but I was too busy to go. I set up an account with a new utilities provider so I can send in my meter readings. Didn't want to change but Ebico/Robin Hood Energy sold out to one of the big ones. I'll see how it goes, I am still on the same tariff as before. 
I gave the kitchen a good clean, it was time. 
I have been trying to post a notice on our village page about the mobile shop, but for some reason Admin or the moderators are not authorising it. Don't know what is going on there. 
Both cats have been in most of the day. Mayze stays in anyway, but I think Oscar has realised that it's much more comfortable inside sleeping on the posh office chair. He pops out for the toilet now and again. I'm not sure if he knows what the litter boxes are for.  
I think the stew is ready. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Hope you enjoyed your stew Ilona. Lovely comfort food on a cold day like today. I left a comment over on your YouTube channel. Have a nice evening with the kitty cats :)

    1. Thank you. I've just spent the last hour over there, reading all the comments.

  2. Good evening Ilona. Just watched your video, Maisie was the star of the show! She is lovely and her coat is beautiful! Don't take any notice of trolls, they need to get a life. I think jealous people have to try to spoil things of they are a person who is happy. You are a lovely lady with a happy life. Stay as sweet as you are and keep deleting!!

    1. Thank you Linda. Delete is my middle name.

  3. Very cold where I live in USA...wind chill was 24 so stayed inside and baked cookies. Love your kitties.

    1. I bet that sent a lovely smell through your house.

  4. Hey Ilona. I’ve been following your blog for the last few years, but never left a comment before. I was watching Maisie, it made me laugh, reminds me of my husband - we have 3 cats and all of them absolutely adore him :) I’ve been meaning to tell you for years that I love your blog but do miss some more pics about budgeting and yellow stickers and food :) you started doing less and less of these, if you can add additional pic or two a week about your food/shopping I’d really appreciate it as I love to see these things ! Have a good day! Lana

    1. Hello Lana. I just left you a long reply to your comment on the yoootooob channel. Thank you for your suggestions.

    2. How do I see that ? As I didn’t comment on YouTube .

    3. You are right, you didn't comment on yooootooob, but another Lana did. That's what happens when there are two or even three people with the same name. I got mixed up, my apologies. There are a lot more comments over there. Incidentally you can view the videos here because I embed them, or you can click on the youtube icon on the bottom right which takes you there.

  5. Good morning and thank you once again for the welcome to your house via the video!.I do love watching them and your blog is the first one I go to every morning.Mayze and Oscar are adorable and my cats like to use me as a pin cushion as well.It is a shame that you cant get on to your village page to advertise your mobile shop.Could you maybe put a notice around the lamp post in your area..like people do when a cat has gone missing.I always stop and read things that I see posted on them.Just a thought!.As for the trolls...well we all know that it is just jealousy!.They dont like popular people because they have no friends them selves.Me and Flis dont have blogs,but have been attacked on other peoples blogs,lol,which we both find quite amusing!I would love to see the smile on your face as you zap them! Well,I have got to take my Mam for her appointment at the hospital today.Her arm still hasnt healed right from when she broke her wrist in April.So they are going to have another look at it.Im really dreading going.I am taking her a bowel of stew to her house so that she has something hot to come home to.I am also not looking forward to Christmas this year.It is going to be so different because usually every one comes to my house and although I have trimmed up,it just isnt the same because there is only me and Hubby to see it.Going to get myself out of my cozy dressing gown now..but I might just have a cup of coffee first,...I really need a rocket up my backside some days,lol.xx

    1. I messaged Admin and it is now live on the page.

  6. Some reflections, if I may.
    Sweet and sad at the same time. Sweet because you are very content with your life, sad because you would need to defend your choices (re trolls). Freedom of speech is ever so important, why would other people even care, esp on the Internet and in a personal blog, where it would not need to be a dialogue?
    Regarding not doing Christmas presents - I've had the same approach for about ten years now. It was partially affected by the fact I seldom received meaningful presents myself, and partially wanting to gift when I feel like and not when expected. Same with birthday presents. I still appreciate receiving flowers/plants but the rest would not matter much. This year I rejected even the flower courier as it was the peak of Covid lockdown and I avoided external contact as much as possible.
    Regarding shopping, my best achievement was to stretch grocery shopping into 6 weeks apart. Primarily because I could not bother driving to the supermarket, seemed too much effort ;) And it turned out being the most effective way of reducing my lockdown stockpile, although perhaps not the healthiest.
    You are doing well, I wish I was as organised and disciplined as you.
    Greetings from a small faraway island.

    1. I think I would like it on your faraway island. Thank you for your comment.

    2. One day all this will be over, one way or another. Until then - know that you've got a friend over here contemplating about the meaning of life and being inspired by your blog.
      You might not want to travel so far but why not leaving the options open.
      Spring and autumn are the best without much heat. But even today I only wore an office jacket when shopping for Christmas decs and running other errands, though occasional rain made it a bit chilly.

  7. Ha ha glad to see you're not letting the barstewards get you down, as they say. You can always recognise a troll...they walk funny because their knickers are in such a twist.
    Thanks for the giggles and cosy coffee chat Ilona.
    Always enjoy them....especially when kitties take part xxx
    Love to all xxx Susan


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.