Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Happy check in day

 Good morning. It's that time again, it comes round so quickly. Only one month left of 2020. Normally the years seem to fly by, because everyone has been enjoying themselves,  but this one has dragged. At least we have been able to get out walking if most other forms of relaxation and entertainment have been put on hold. 

So how have you all been doing with the walking challenge? The target for the end of November was 916 miles, if you are doing the big one thousand. Going by previous check in's I think some of you are doing extremely well. I am on 948, so I am chuffed with that. I could have done more, but getting ahead means that I can have a day or two off, and I don't want to walk in the rain. 

This is your turn to reveal all. Waiting to hear from you. 

Let's have some pics from the archives. I'll have a root round, see what I can find.

Local Park. 

Brigg North Lincolnshire.
Local walk.
Grandma's cottage. 
Might be a nice day today. Maybe good for a walk. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I am surprised where the time goes and like a lot of others I shall be pleased yo see the year end but today after the few bad days weather wise it's a lovely bright day and the washing is on.
    Yesterday I made 5 little fabric gingerbread men for little presents they were fiddly but did cost me anything and kept me busy.
    Enjoyed the photos especially the trees.
    Hazel c uk🌈🌈🌈

  2. Hello Ilona and fellow walkers, in November I walked 177 km and passed the newly installed 1350 kilometer line: total now is 1365 :>) So happy with that.
    I am thinking to put up a new final goal for 2020 of 1500 kilometers, which is 50% + the 1000 km I originally aimed for.
    Within half an hour I'll be off for those last 135 kilometers, 6 km at least per day.
    Will be miraculous when my feet will bring me over that border line.
    Good luck and Happy Walking to everyone.


    1. You are doing fabulously well. The end is not far off.

  3. Hi Ilona and fellow walkers, almost 87 miles this month making a grand total of 1112 over 11 months. That takes me past last year's 1110 so I now need to think of another target for December although the weather forecast for the next couple of weeks isn't promising! All the best, everyone, Vicki

    1. Thank you Vicki. You must be super fit to do all those miles.

  4. With temperatures often at freezing or slightly above, it was sometimes difficult to make myself get out and walk. So I was a bit surprised when I added up the miles and realized I'd made my goal by the end of November. 1,503 miles walked. Given this week's high temperatures average only a few degrees above freezing, I'll be happy to add only a mile a day to that total in December.

    Sheila in Idaho

    1. You are a star walker Sheila. This is too easy for you.

  5. No 'big reveal' from me unfortunately.....I am still trying to do 400 paces up and down the land outside the cottage, and I only do that when the weather is dry. Not to worry, perhaps 2021 will see me getting to 500 paces, and then 1000 paces, and so on......!

    1. As long as you are doing something, Vera. That's the secret.

  6. Hello from a brisk but sunny day in Northwest Arkansas. November was a good month for walking - 116 miles. That brings my yearly total to 1027 miles. When I stop and think about how far that is it's pretty amazing. I hope everyone has a great December.

  7. Hilogene checking in via email

    Good afternoon,
    My November number was 44 miles. Here in Arizona the weather is fantastic so I am now doing two walks a day, and my knee is improving, so I have high hopes for December!

    Thanks again for organizing this adventure!
    Hilogene in Az.

    1. Hello Hilly. Glad to hear there are improvements in your knee. I have high hopes for you as well. Go girl.

  8. Hi Ilona, 87 miles in november I am on track for the thousand.
    I really enjoy your blog and look forward to reading it,keep on how you are and please do not change for all the Idiots and sheeple out there.x

    1. Yes yes yes good to hear that.

      I will soldier on, nothing dampens my spirit. Thank you for your encouragement.

  9. Hello Ilona and fellow walkers, I am over the moon to report that this month I have exceeded my target of 1000 miles and, with 136 miles under my belt for November, have managed 1107 for a total !! It just shows me what a "must do" daily walk, (within reason) no matter what the weather, I can do it!! I don't think I quite managed the thousand miles last year, have surpassed it this year, and will be thinking of maybe revising my goal for next year. Thank you Ilona for all your encouragement and your down to earth views, I make it a habit to check out your blog first thing when I am online, love it, and keep up being you ! Joy from Central Vic Australia

    1. Brilliant, you are an inspiration. All the effort is so worth it. Well done.

  10. 138 miles for me in November for a total so far of 1425. I had been confident that I could reach my goal of 1500 miles for the year until I got a call last week scheduling me for some surgery in December! Not sure I can get those last 75 miles done now, but I will try to rack up as many as possible before my op. Maybe a few more later in the month if I'm lucky. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you Ilona, and to all of the walking group!

    1. Fantastic Allison. Even if you don't do any more this year you should be proud. Be kind to yourself, rest before you do any more. Hope the surgery goes well.

  11. You have lovely areas to walk in. My own walking came to a screeching halt when Covid arrived here and I'm not feeling the urge to get going again after so many months staying home. It will happen eventually, but I'm not going to force it, walking should be a joy not a chore.

    1. I hope the urge will return for you. We start again on January the 1st.

  12. morning! total for this month is 20.1 miles.. not too bad considering the fact that the days have been so soggy and it gets dark 3ish in the afternoon. well done everyone!! gillian

    1. Well done Gillian. Not far to the finishing line.

  13. Hi managed 98 this month so 1,039 total to date. Keep plodding on even if it is cold and rainy. Keep going everyone.

  14. I try to walk almost every day with husband. Sometimes I don't as in last evening as I was so tired after an 1.5 hour VooV call. It was good though. Walk off calories and spend time together talking and having fun. So thankful my walking stride is better than it was after had my injury in July. My knee hurts at times but most likely due to my siyatica I have in my back that goes into my right leg.


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