Monday, 21 December 2020

Coffee in the stock room.

Hello. Here's a little video for you, featuring Mayze the cat. Twenty minutes if you've got time. 

Billy dog walk done this afternoon while this was uploading. Another damp and dull day. Hope it's better tomorrow. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip. 


  1. I love your coffee chats. Your energy is very inspiring.

  2. Cats usually rub their heads against you as Mayze was doing because they love you. You had me looking around at all my stuff, books, dvds and ornaments, and wondering just which of my kids would want what. Who will want the furniture? Will they fight over the photos? If it comes to the point where I must go into a nursing home, or move in with one of the kids, which is far preferable to a home, I think the best idea for me is to have them all visit and take what they want. I've already culled the books by 50%. Apart from that, I'm not going to think about it too much, I still have a lot of years left. I hope.

    1. That's a great idea to invite the kids and let them choose. That's half the job done for you.
      Yes, I am rather hoping I have a lot of years left. So no rush, but the job can't be put off for ever.

  3. Very sensible, as I would expect from you. Mayze is beautiful and it is so obvious how much you love one another! I was happy to see her in the video.

    1. Mayze is a character. We rub along nicely together.

  4. Your video is just what I needed this morning!.I have had a bad few days...weeks?...months?,lol,but your video has given me the get up and go that I needed.I am just fed up of feeling fed up to be honest!.I am not looking forward to Christmas one bit and I will be glad when the day as been and gone.I am going to make sure that I walk every day from Jan 1st because it does clear my head and at the moment I am getting worried about even leaving the house because of panic attacks.Mayze is looking lovely as always and I loved the way she meowed goodbye to us all,lol.It was interesting what you said about having a good clear out of stuff.A lot of mine that I keep is grandkids paintings,old school books,school reports,certificates,baby mine that Ive still got from when I was a kid!I have asked them,if they want them...they say no..but dont get rid of them Nana!!.I give up,lol.I just wish that I had been more ruthless about stuff years ago,because it seems that the longer I have kept it,,the less I can bear to part with it.My Mam is just the same,so maybe I get it from her.Anyway,thank you for the chat..I always enjoy it and I hope that you have a lovely day,xx

  5. I love your coffee chats always wise words spoken, however today I especially loved "kick up the arse" comment it gave me a really good laugh and I thank you for that lol. keep on being you Ilona xx

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you John. I hope you have a happy Christmas too. Lots of love xxx

  7. Ilona, you were the first person I wanted to tell that my daughter-in-law adopted a kitten today from a cat rescue! (My son is not overly thrilled, but he is coming around). Kitty is 12 weeks old and semi-longhaired yellow and white tiger kitty. He and the German shepherd are getting used to each other and doing fairly well, all things considered! I think they are going to end up bestest friends, but right now neither one is 100% sure of that.

    1. Hi. Tell them to stick with it. Cats and dogs can live in harmony, and grown men can go all soppy about a fluffy ball of fun.


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