Saturday, 5 February 2022

A passionate plea

With you all the way, Buddy. 

I am doing something. I can't sit on my arse and let it happen. 


  1. Why don’t you educate yourself. I am in Toronto - seen first hand the confederate flags and swastikas. People like you spread misinformation and make things worse.

    1. When you say, 'people like you', do you mean people who think differently than you do? So you have chosen to follow the the official narrative, which is actually based on lies. Well that's up to you, but one day you will wake up when you are called for yet another medical procedure to top up those that haven't worked.

  2. I understand you were a trucker and I appreciate that. I also love all your art projects. I do think you need to do a bit more research into this truck convoy blockade and protest. As a Canadian I was fully onside with freedom of speech and being tired off mandates (I am a big fan of Dr Campbell, thanks to your info). But please read up on the origins of some of these folks...they are trying to cause upset to ordinary people in an effort to upstage the government and force changes. It is not cool that they have disrupted so many lives... Respectfully , Barb from Canada

    1. I have read the article, it's full of misinformation. It has created the usual bunfight in the comments, some of which are credible assessments of the situation. But these will be overlooked because of the frustrations being felt from those who choose to comply with their so called leaders. The truckers are not trying to cause upset to ordinary people, they are standing up against a tyrannical government which is steering them towards globalisation. Your government and many more around the world are singing from the same songsheet. They should be upstaged.

      The virus was the start, frighten people so they comply. Bully them into taking a medical procedure, that probably a great majority didn't need. Then bully some more. Threaten them with losing their job, losing their homes and losing their businesses. Lock them down force them into a life of solitude. Then when that has worked, issue them with a list of what they cannot do and what they are allowed to do. Throw them some crumbs of a normal life, so they become grateful for small mercies. It's all in the plan from the WEF. Look at the end game. What happens now at this moment in time will determine how the rest of your life will pan out.

  3. Thanks Ilona. All of us Canadians need these truckers moving goods. My husband worked in food warehousing for forty years. He would even go in to work on Christmas Day to unload so the US truckers could get back across the border in order to call their families for Christmas. I know how hard these truckers work and they all want to work. Someone mentioned on FB that all the big companies are not in Ottawa or at the Coutts border. You can bet your last dollar - they are there. Due to Trudeau and his horrible hiding tactics and his horrible Covid measures the trucking industry in Manitoba alone now needs to hire 23000 drivers. It costs each company roughly 200,000.00 to fully train the drivers to be able to go into the US. Just imagine how many drivers we are short across Canada. Yes, we are able to get groceries that are made in Canada, but the majority of our fruits and vegetables come in from the US. The grocery stores have changed their stores around to look like they have everything you need, but when you actually go looking there are lots of items missing. That is just groceries. What about equipment, parts, building supplies? I highly doubt that Trudeau has COVID. He is just doing his usual hiding out when he knows he did wrong. Thanks again. Jean

    1. Your comment is an island on a sea of bullshit that is poised to engulf us all, if we don't act now. Thank you.

  4. Well, yes the funding has been "redirected" by GoFundMe and will be "redistributed" to other charities -- In other words, $1million has been stolen from individual contributors by GoFundMe. People who care to donate $10 or $20 have had their pockets picked; if nothing else, this money should and could be returned to those who made the donations. "Redistributing" to other charities is not in keeping with the spirit of those donations.
    All of the reposts of the convoy that I posted on facebook have now been covered up by announcements that they have been removed by the original poster -- this is a lie. FB removed the groups that supported the convoy. I am reposting each post highlighting the truth that it was censorship by FB.
    The news blackout of this event was farcical - the contempt that government and media has for we the people is stunning. I will not be silenced and the gentleman in the video said exactly what I'm feeling - Do something!!

    1. Censoring has been ramped up. A good reason to carry on speaking out. Thank you.

  5. BREAKING URGENT NEWS: U.S. German Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich gives his opening statements at the International Criminal Grand Jury Investigation involving the most heinous crimes against humanity committed under the guise of a corona pandemic on a global scale.

    There are ten short videos on this tweeeeeter thread. Dr Reiner Fuellmich sums it up nicely.

    There is a one and a half hour video of the Open Session of the Grand Jury Proceedings by the People's Court of Public Opinion.

    A group of international lawyers and a judge are conducting criminal investigation modelled after the United States Grand Jury proceedings in order to present to the public all available evidence of COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity to date against "leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices" who aided, abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic.

    1. Tried to open the twitter thread but it was no longer there..... the twitter rules would heve been broken.....

    2. Hello. You are right. twittttter have removed it. If you open up the longer version on yooootooob with the link, you can move the slider across to 29 minutes to find the part that is missing. It is a mammoth task they have set themselves. I hope they can pull it off.

    3. Just in case yoootooob take the video down, the section you want is on brand new tube

    4. Thanks Ilona. Not yet deleted on yootoob by now! I'm quickly going back to listen and hear more.

  6. I'm very pleased to hear this and will watch the video. People who are critical of your support for the truckers could do worse than listen to Robert F. Kennedy's speech recently which he summed up in three points: 1)Every power (the governments) take from us, they will NEVER give back willingly. 2)Every power they take, they will ultimately abuse in every way possible. 3)NO-ONE ever complied their way out of control or bullying.
    Thanks Ilona, Ger in Ireland.

    1. As Jeanneke has said, twittter have deleted that link. Go to the yoootooob link and the missing part is in the middle of that video.

  7. I will never again donate any money via GoFundMe. Surely what they are doing is illegal?

    Amanda, Sussex

    1. I have never used that site and I never will. Crooks the lot of them. Donate in cash, or cheque in the post, direct to the charity you are supporting.

  8. The trouble with most protests (and this one) is that they started to attract far-right and extremists.
    It seems to be losing it's way, like all past protests.

  9. Representatives for the truckers addressed the nation yesterday. They are asking for talks with their Government.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.