Thursday, 3 February 2022

Many a true word. . . . . .

. . . . . . . spoken in jest. 
Gotta lurv JP  😎 😄 😜  ilona 


  1. I live in the province that has a barricaded border.

    We'd like fresh produce.

    90% of Canadian truck drivers are fully vaccinated and able to cross the border without quarantine. The remaining can and did drive cross-country.

    My hospital had to transport a NICU baby to a sister hospital. The ambulance got stuck in a traffic jam caused by the local fringe of these guys (monday to friday workers who drive pickups and drape flags out the window and honk their horns and scream out the windows on their daily commutes to the office).

    The EMTs handling the transport said it was terrible. Mum hysterical from the noise and a critically ill baby. Imagine being held up in an ambulance and surrounded by chaos.

    Baby did well, Mum is a mess. And some rednecks had a fun day out.

    1. Remember when Governments and the main stream media kept going on about how everyone had to be jabbed. We're all in it together. You're not doing it for yourself but for the good of others. Wear a mask not to protect yourself but to protect others. Get tested, stay away from others, isolate yourself. Rules we have to follow have been drilled into us us. Well people are fed up with that now.

      Governments are ramping up the fear, determined to keep it going, because they are moving on to the next stage towards a totalitarian regime.

      The truckers are fighting back because they can see where it is all leading. Loss of civil liberties, loss of freedom. Jabbed and unjabbed are joining together because we all are in it together. You can't see that. Yes there are going to be some inconveniences, lives will be disrupted. Roads blocked and lots of noise. But if the truckers don't make a stand now, there are much worse disasters to come.

      This civil disobedience will spread, it has to. Protests are happening in several countries, now growing in Canberra Australia. If you think this is a fun day out, you are missing the point. They are fighting for yours and mine freedom.

    2. Hello, 50 and Counting. Regarding the ambulance, which city did this occur in? I'm not doubting you, just asking where.

  2. Hi. Evidence from Dr Nathan Thompson about effect of jabs on imune system here:

    H x

    1. This is too technical for me. Maybe someone else can understand it.

  3. Update. Go Fund Me have frozen all donations made to help the truckers.

    Disgraceful. People donated that money in good faith for the caused. If the money isn't used for the cause, they should refund the donors

    Well, it's due to 'unlawful actions' (according to their statement) so... Also, people can absolutely get a refund (also according to the statement from GFM)

    Gofundme decided not to return the donations, but is re-directing the funds to causes of its choosing.

    “Ends fundraiser”
    Why does the media bury the lead?
    GoFundMe seizes the funds, at request of government

    This is so corrupt. Things are really getting out of control now. Why arnt people waking up to what is happening to them, our freedoms are being eroded. Good luck to the truckers.?

    I don't think anyone thought it was going to be easy. The world is watching the rot expose itself as to just how deep it goes. Politicians and elite are showing just how evil and owned they are.

    A new fundraiser has been set up at GiveSendGo but the servers are struggling to cope. Already over $260,000.

  4. Go fund me has given donors until Feb 19 to get a refund and then it will redirect funds not taken back...


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.