Wednesday, 10 March 2021

0800 141 2021

It's that time again, it happens every ten years, when the Government do a head count of everybody who is in the UK on one specific date. This time it's Sunday the 21st of March. 
At first glance I thought, where is the form to fill in. Nope, no form, it is to be done online. So what about people who are not online, or anyone else who has difficulty understanding questions? Linda brought this up in her comment on yesterdays post. 
Martin Lewis of Money Saving Expert said on Twitter that he had received his Census notification, so I read the replies to that. Several people asked about a paper form, as Linda mentioned in her comment. Someone said you can get a paper version if you go online and ask for one to be sent, but what is the point of that. If you are online you might as well go through the process of filling it out while you are there. I see there is also a freephone number to ring to request one, which I will do. 
It was also noted on Martins Tweet that some of the questions are rather intrusive, and a bit personal. Someone replied that they are marked as voluntary, you do not have to supply that information. Handy to know. 
Thank you to those who commented on the previous post, even the two trolls who were immediately deleted. 
It's been raining all day and I have been sewing. The little Folk Art picture is coming along nicely, should be finished tomorrow. Oscar cat has been in all day, he doesn't like the rain, and Mayze is in her usual place, under the covers on my bed. 
Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.  Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I tried ringing the number for a paper form and was repeatedly cut off.Im lucky I ended up doing it on my smart phone. My mum and several elderly people I know don't have this luxury/privilege. Fed up with all this constant email/on line pushing. Some of us prefer the old fashion ways - at least the old fashion ways don't seem to generate so many scam texts emails or phone calls.

    1. I called the number on the census leaflet, then it was option 1. All automated of course. Said I should receive it in five working days.

    2. There might be a rush on the phones as everyone would have received their notifications at the same time. Maybe in a few days it will have calmed down.

    3. Thank you for that, Linda.

  2. I thought you would have got rid of the trolls now, Ilona, since you've moved over to commenters needing a gmail account. I hate census time. I worry about sharing information.

    Hope you are having a good day. It is bucketing here too!

    1. The odd one or two are still about. They open an account and could be traced, if I can be bothered to do it. Easier to zap them as soon as they arrive. Out of sight out of mind.

      The rain has stopped, but it's very windy here.

    2. Third troll, zapped and gone. Pathetic.

  3. I'm sorry. I have Covid and slept through yesterday and the week before. I missed your post. We did the Census online last year. It would have been an outstanding success if it wasn't for the antics of the orange terrorist who lead our country for the four years and the advent of Covid. The plan was to have people complete the census online. Then when the deadline had been reached census takers were hired to go door to door to those who had not responded. I went to an orientation meeting to be one of those people, but declined when they wanted to send me alone to peoples houses. Still, as someone who uses census information for genealogical purposes, having people fill in their own information seems as if there will be fewer mistakes in things like the spelling of names, ages, family relationships and birthplaces.

  4. Ours came through the post last week.I had a very quick flick through the pages but cant remember seeing any voluntary questions.There are quite a lot of pages to fill out though,so I will have to sit down and read it.It stresses me out just looking at it,because I hate filling forms in.We didnt apply for it,it just came through with the usual Domino pizza leaflets.xx

  5. In 1991 I was living at my old house and I was a Census co-ordenatator and had to take and collect the forms it was a nice little job for I lived on my estate so could do it easily and just did an hour when I wanted. The money was very good and i had no trouble doing it, the forms were kept at my house and somebody collected them. Different this time I have no idea how to do it because of the stroke so my daughter will be doing mine.
    Hope you have not had any trouble with the wind, it's bad here I look out onto farmland but have not had no big problems.
    Keep safe.
    Hazel c

  6. Hi Ilona,
    Here in Wales we received a paper census in both English and Welsh. The accompanying booklet contained tips and clear instructions on how to complete the form. We also had the option of completing it online, should we wish. Our voluntary questions were clearly marked. Julie 🙂

  7. A paper census form arrived in the post yesterday. I hadn't asked for it. The gender questions are voluntary but the colour/race/origin ones are not. I wish we could stop drawing more attention to these things and just get along together as people. We are all one species after all.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.