Thursday, 11 March 2021

Something I knocked up

I finished this picture this morning. I call it, Over the Hill. 
I re used a second hand frame, I didn't like the picture that was in it. 
I took the photo's before I put the glass in the frame, so no reflections. 

Remember the lollipop trees I did on a previous picture? 

A video for my yooootoooob subscribers.
I went for a walk while this was uploading. It was sunny but very windy. It was behind me at one point and blew me along. 
Now I am thinking about my next arty project. I always like to have something on the go that I can pick up if I have an hour or two to spare. 
Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip. 


  1. Beautiful colourful piece of art. Maybe you should consider selling pieces on (British craft selling website) or somewhere like that? I think your pieces are always interesting and I really like the colourful ones x

    1. Hello. I don't want to go down the route of distance selling, there are a whole lot of rules and regulations to contend with. If someone doesn't like the picture they can ask for a refund, which involves them sending it back and me getting the money to them. I have no means to accept electronic payments, don't do paypal, and don't do internet banking. Don't want to spend more time on the computer than I already do. Eventually I will sell some locally, no rush.

  2. Hello, I am living in France - Paris'suburb - and follow you since a while now. I absolutely love
    your "over the hill".
    This is so colourfull and brigth !
    Bravo !
    Have a very nice week-end.

    1. Thank you Catherine. Nice to hear from you.

  3. Your latest piece looks lovely and I can see a Nana wanting to buy that for her grandkids bedroom.Your title,Over the Hill reminds me of song that we used to sing as kids...over the hill n back again,,,something,something...forgotten how the rest goes,lol.I thought that your painting was very good as well!.I have some little tubes of paint,all different colours and I have been wondering what I could do with them.So I might try your idea of wrapping fabric around a brush and dabbing it on some cards that I have.They could then be used as greetings cards.Well,I hope that you didnt get wet on your walk yesterday.The sun was beaming down here when I started out down my Mams yesterday..but the wind and rain made it hard work when I walked back home!.It was hailing so the wind was battering it against my face.I had got lovely rosy cheeks when I walked in the door,lol.Its only getting on for 10 am this morning and already we have had sun,thunder and now rain.So today might be a house work day..ouch!,Did I really just say that,lol.Thank you for the video,xx

    1. He Debi. Luckily I didn't get wet, got blown around a lot though.

    2. That Over the Hill song has just come to me after itching at my brain all day, goes..3 little ducks went swimming one day,Over the Hill and far away,Mother duck said quack,quack,quack,quack,but only 2 little ducks came back....Thats just a piece of useless information for you,lol,xx

  4. I love your new project and agree with Debi it would be like lovely in a youngster bedroom so much for them to see. You make so many different things they are all so different.

    I had my 2nd jab to day the 1st one was 23rd of December. So I shall be pleased to go out especially the days will get warmer.

    Have a nice weekend everyone.
    Hazel 🌈🌈

  5. Love the picture, love bright colours. I knit so i always have something on the go that i can just pick up and do in between jobs. Im knitting greyhound jumpers for my local dog rescue at the moment.

  6. i really like your artwork. very clever. Ann


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