Friday, 5 March 2021

Chuffing heck

 I've hit a snag. I finished this and was mighty chuffed with it, until one of the bottles fell off. My trusty hot glue gun has let me down, sticking glass to wood doesn't work very well. 

I've put a call out to my friend Bob here in the village. He does all kinds of art, mainly with wood, so he is bound to have different types of glue. I will take it to him after 1pm when he gets back from whatever he is doing, and hopefully he can fix it for me. I would hate to have to remove all the bottles and start again. 

Oh well, best get on with the next art project. Catch ya later.  ilona


  1. Now that is a unique piece of art work, I do hope you can get the right sort of glue to fix it. I tend to rely on No Nails or Superglue for virtually everything. What does the one red lid symbolise?

    1. Superglue was the answer, and I don't have any. Bob sorted me out. I think the red top is the odd one out, just like me. Doesn't fit in with the rest of the gang.

  2. As you know Ilona I love colour but this is just beautiful. I'm having problems with glue at the moment and as it means queueing to get some in the shop I shall have to wait for in and order online. Got your email and things are the same here,
    Love Briony

    1. I have some glue but not the right kind for this job. I thought the hot glue would have been right for it, but only four of the bottles fell off. Strange.

  3. Your art work looks good. I find it hard to glue glass too and would be interested to find out what Bob recommends.
    Also I've just found your haircutting post....I wish I could cut mine like that it looks brilliant. I get very confused trying to work out which side is which in the mirror :(

  4. I use E6000 to glue everything. It holds well and a little goes a long way for gluing items. Not sure if you will be able to find it there, I'm in the US.

    1. I've heard people say E6000 is good, not sure if we have it here, and I didn't want to go to the shops.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.