Sunday, 7 March 2021

Time to plan something?

 Good morning. It's looking like a sunny day ahead, and the forecast is good for three days. Yipeeeee. Breakfast is porridge with seeds and fruit. Half a banana, an apple, with blueberries and cherries. Very nice. 

I've been reading up on the new rules, but can't find anything for single people who don't want to meet up with others, who don't want to go to the pub, don't want to go shopping, and don't want to go to events where there might be a lot of people. 
Kids can go back to school, but it is illegal to go on holiday. To travel out of the UK people will need a certificate giving the purpose of their journey before they are allowed to get on an aeroplane. This is coming in tomorrow. 
Key dates I think are :- foreign holidays may be allowed after May 17th. Easter weekend, Wales will be open. If all goes according to plan camp sites can open on April 12th. Best get my kit ready then. 
Ms Sturgeon will announce on Tuesday what the new rules will be there. I hope she will open the border so I can have a mooch around the Outer Hebrides. Will travelling to Scotland be classed as going abroad. 
Enjoy your Sunday, I think I will be spending time outside today. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Take care going to Scotland - if they have an independence vote while you are there then you might not be allowed out again!!

  2. Hello Ilona I'm glad your looking ahead to the holiday season.i did a tour of the Scottish Highlands for two weeks in a camper van it was quite something hardly any people but lovley scenery.ive bought a new tent hope I get to go off somewhere this year.i will be looking forward to seeing your pictures and hearing what you get up to on your travels and let's hope we get good weather this year x

  3. If the Wales border is open to all again this Easter I'm glad I'll be moved out by then. It's not the visitors that I don't like, it's the sheer scale of the invasion immediately after a lockdown, it will be chaos after the quiet calm of the Winter and early Spring.

    It's been bad enough with all the law-breakers coming in throughout lockdown!!

    1. I think once travel has been opened up the roads will be chocca.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.