Tuesday, 9 March 2021

From the heart

 Good morning. Quick look at the clock, only just, it's almost 12 noon. The sun is shining and I have scoffed a cooked breakfast made mainly from leftovers from last nights dinner, with added mushrooms and an egg. 

It's nice to open a full fridge in the morning, after a dash to Aldi last night. I got there at 9pm, and had the place to myself. Two ladies wandered in and put a couple of items in a hand basket. I didn't quite make the three weeks since the last shopping trip, there were some things I needed. Nice to see familiar faces, the staff members don't all wear masks, which is fine by me. The lady on the checkout smiled and I smiled back. 

I watched a video last night after I had unpacked the shopping. It was getting late but I like to have a sit down for half an hour before I retire to bed. The video was made by someone who lived in China for 14 years, he has left now, because he couldn't stand to witness the control that the Government dish out to ordinary seemingly innocent people. 

It was shocking to see the brutality of the police attacking people, even women, dragging them to the ground and handcuffing them for the smallest of misdemeanours. There was a warning that there would be some distressing scenes, and I wondered whether to continue watching it at such a late hour. Would it give me nightmares. I stuck with it. 

I had previously seen another of his videos, he has made many, which showed the public toilets that the Chinese have to put up with. The sight and the stench from them would make me throw up. Even bathrooms, (toilets) at a shopping mall and a petrol station were just as bad. Behind all the shiny shop fronts a world of disease and germs lurk. 

Anyway, if you have the stomach for the violent cops video, it is an eye opener, here's the link. I won't post the full video. Watch if you are interested, pass it by if you are not. 


I've been sorting out my magazines and came across this one from 2015. I like to keep them for reference. How appropriate is the sub title. 

I have been criticized in the past whenever I mention that freedom is important to me. I have seen the word, free dums, used in a derogatory fashion on other blogs. Poking fun at whoever values their freedom, is a sad reflection of the great divide that our Government has engineered.  
I was fortunate enough to be born into a country where a certain amount of freedom was the norm. Freedom to roam the streets with friends as kids. Go to youth club, and disco's. Freedom to choose a job, live where we liked, holiday wherever we liked, who to date, buy what we wanted, eat what we wanted. All through my life I have known I have choices.  
When will people catch on that our freedoms are being chipped away? How many stages do we have to go through, from being told we can't sit on a bench? That we can't meet friends and relatives, we can't leave our country to go abroad without a valid reason and a certificate of permission. 
We live with threats of future lockdowns. Don't think this is the end of it as we climb the ladder to a dictatorial one party world. Watch the video and see where we are heading. I feel very sad for the ordinary Chinese people, it is terrible to see them bullied. 
I will cling on to my freedoms for the last ten or so years of my life. I fear for the next two generations. They won't have the freedoms that I grew up with, but it can be stopped, if people think it is worth fighting for. 
Thanks for visiting my blog. My very best wishes.   ilona  


  1. Hello Ilona great magazine front very important word to me too the word freedom.when even more of our freedom to choose is taken maybe a lightbulb moment will happen out there.it is quite something isn't it not be allowed to even sit down with a friend outside at mo.how ridiculous does that sound if you think about it.your spot on right we've got a lot more nonsense to come out way.your a fit healthy lady I see you living way past your eighties.youll get to hundred look back and think what on earth has gone on in your Twilight years.at least they can't control our mind we can keep our thoughts strong and happy they can't take every thing from usx

    1. Hi Jo. I need to stick around because I am curious about where all this is going. We are not quite at the end game yet. There will be new restrictions controlling other parts of our lives.

  2. What is also frightening is that people just don't see what is happening around them, and tend to mock those that do.

    1. Hi. I think the reason for that is because people have forgotten how to solve problems and think for themselves. They are so reliant on others doing the thinking for them, and just want to follow instructions.

  3. I hate that we have lost our freedom with out a fight, I hope it's not too late to halt the vaccine passport scheme, Israel has already fully embraced it : /
    Have you seen UK Column News on YouTube? They do a new programme every Mon, Weds and Thurs. Probably the only news programme I watch now.

    1. Hi Lynn. I do watch Uk Column. They are the only news presenters who are real journalists and search out the truth, rather than read someone else's words from an autocue. It's Monday, Wednesday, and Friday bye the way.

      There is a new news channel coming online soon, which will be impartial and unbiased, and not connected to one side or the other. I think they will have a big following.
      Coming soon to Freeview, Sky, Virgin Media, YouView, Freesat, mobile, online and audio - news, opinion & debate for all of the UK. Stand by for announcements...

    2. Sorry yes Friday, I think they are brilliant, love it when they say, well let's just take a look at that, and off they go dredging up God know what.
      Will look out for the new news channel, it's not before time.

    3. Hi Lynn and Ilona - After having read some about the Israeli vaccine passport I see that it's very difficult to some people to receive the passport if they don't have an Israeli ID card - Even those who have a vaccine certification seem to have trouble getting the official government documentation. I am personally wondering what will happen to me (in the US) because I cannot have the vaccine due to an immunological disease; I had severe reactions to past flu and shingles shots. I'm wondering if my freedom of movement will be restricted because of a health issue that cannot be "healed" and will be compromised if I'm made to take the shot in order to be allowed to travel or enter places.

  4. In Portugal, we can't sit on a bench!! We can't meet friends or relatives that don't live the same house we do, we can't leave our country to go abroad without Covid 19 negative tests, vaccines and on returning, the same. At the moment, tere are no flights, unless for emergencies, repatriation of citizans or things like that. But we have many other things we can still do, what we can't s seat even if we are tired of walking, near the seaside, in park or gardens, everything as a plastic tape around, even gym facilities in parks...it's insane. That's the result of being governed by people that neve fitted the place, and have no vision. It's not only there that there are those stupid rules, is everywhere.
    Keep calm, we will make it !!

    1. Hi Gena. It's basically the same rules the world over, which tells you something. governments are puppets, their strings being pulled from higher up. As long as people are aware, and know that they are not alone, we are stronger together.

  5. I agree with Alana. In my opinion those in control have done a brilliant job slowly taking away our freedoms. I too am glad I grew up in the era in which I did and was able to enjoy many freedoms that will almost certainly be taken away very soon. Thanks for you post.

    1. There is still a possibility that the grand plan can be stopped. It depends on the will of the people.

  6. I am so very worried about the SOCIAL climate created over this past year by 'those in control' my (grand)children have to grow (up) in.
    Thanks for your post; honest, inspirational and encouraging as always.


    1. Jeanneke, as long as people acknowledge that something is amiss, and take steps to question everything, then there is hope.

  7. Chinese toilets!! We used to live in Hong Kong and went on a tour of China over 8 days. The toilets were HORRENDOUS and most of them didn't have doors so the people used an open umbrella for some privacy. I couldn't use them - went in the hotel before the tour bus left each morning, drank next to nothing so I could make it until we returned in the evening. No desire ever to revisit.

    1. Hi. That reminds me of a day trip I took to France many years ago when I was young and shy. I daren't ask anyone where the toilets were, so I didn't pee all day, until I got back on the boat to come back.

  8. I'm sure most of us have heard about the One World Government. The first step is control of the money--we know the mega rich have control of the money. Second step is control of the people. We definitely are being controlled because of the pandemic -- and just think how easily that was done. Next will be what ? Control of the food supply? Who knows. Research the Bilderburg group secret meetings. A real eye opener.

    1. Hello Claire. I follow a few yoootoooobers in America, They know very well that it's about money. It is predicted that there will be a massive collapse of the banks. I will take a look at Bilderburg. Thanks.

  9. I am very angry and frightened by our loss of freedom. I walk as much as I can but feel like I have aged ten years. I don't understand why people don't care about what we have lost and where we are headed, China's regime is appalling. I truly fear for the future.

    1. Hang on in there, Kate. It needs a very large amount of people saying they have had enough. They are burning masks in other parts of the world, that is encouraging.

  10. Might seem like a strange thing to say but im glad im not any younger and its wonderful to still come across others that can think for themselves i always could even as a teenager i remember seeing different rules for men and woman how to behave lol etc and i thought well this is going to be interesting lolol and what a great post food for thought thats for sure,ive just had a relative move from another state that was constantly going into no warning lockdowns and was actually in lockdown in the process of moving here and staying with me for awhile,his mental health was being pushed, but the lockdown lifted in time but still needed border crossing permit we had all the right papers and as we crossed the border the checkin was closed, the next night as we were unpacking the car a police car was across my house just sitting there and i think if we hadnt been out unpacking we would have got a knock on the door...very bizzare to me anyway...Louise

    1. Hello Louise. It's like living in a science fiction movie. I fear for the children, what kind of world are they being brought up in where it's normal to wear a mask at school. Where the rules are changing almost weekly and are different according to the parts of the country you live in.

      I can't remember having so many rules when I was a child. My mum made the rules in our house, and we stuck to them. She was a common sense woman. We always knew the reason for the rules, that she was only thinking of our well being. The rules we have now don't make any sense.

  11. There is something very, very wrong going on at the moment in this country. The powers that be are saying that Covid will be with us for a very long time, so I suppose that will be the excuse to make vaccine passports (containing your medical history for all and sundry to see)permanent. Also what worries me is how the police are recording anything controversial that ordinary people speak up about. They don't record people's words as a crime but will make those statements available for future employers etc. So if you make a statement on what you think is a closed online group it can be recorded by the police and actually create a police record for the individual. Maybe it's time to bow out of social media for all our future safety ie Twitter, Instagram, FB etc. Not your blog obviously, it's one of the few places these days where I can read some common sense. Rock on Ilona!

    1. Hello Crystal. I spend a lot of time reading social media, but make very few comments on it. I am also becoming very aware about the words I use.

      My trust in the police system has reached rock bottom. I would hesitate to get them involved if anything happened to me or my home.

      I think Covid will always be looming somewhere. There will be lots of twists and turns along the way. New laws to curb our movements around the world. Less flying, less driving, less meat consumption, more isolation, all in the name of saving the planet.

  12. I wanted to post this as I feel this too is related to freedom. I have been waiting for my census form to arrive. I was disappointed this morning when a thin envelope came. Lo and behold its all to be completed online. I have called and requested a paper copy. Why is it always assumed now that everyone has access to a computer and the internet? I enjoy completing a paper copy. Seems anything and everything, cash, paper copies of bills, cheques, are all being phased out. Erosion of freedoms in an underhand way.

    1. Thank you Linda. My Census notification arrived as well and I thought the same as you. Your comment has nudged me to write a post about it.

  13. New viruses will get more common as the worlds population expands. I just hope we don't have another pandemic like this for a while. Vaccine passports have been in existence for years when traveling to certain countries. If they help control new variants I'm all for them and so grateful for the swift vaccine roll out in this country.

  14. The word Freedumb is used for those who claim that going maskless in a pandemic is part of their "rights". They fail to think beyond their own desires. The government absolutely does tell people to wear a minimum dress code. Take off your clothes and stroll down a busy city street if you don't believe me. In the US, the government tells us that we must wear clothing or face imprisonment or fines for indecent exposure. It also tells people they must wear shirts and shoes to enter retail environments. And it tells them to wear seatbelts when traveling in a car. It is no stretch at all that for the good of all, people are told to wear masks. It isn't even the first time this mandate has been made. Masks were mandated in the 1918 flu pandemic. It didn't become a permanent mandate because after a while it was no longer needed. The mask mandate is for the greater good of the whole of society.

    1. I am pleased that I don't live in the US.

  15. we can pretty much do whatever we like in terms of walking around, sitting in parks etc mask free here in Australia but we have had masks, lockdowns & restrictions (currently can't leave the country unless you apply and have to have covid test & quarantine on return) That said, we have had very low numbers and as a result of doing the precautionary thing we now have lots of freedoms. I have no urge to travel anywhere overseas at the moment even if we could go due to people behaving badly or thinking this is "just like the flu"!!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.