Friday, 26 March 2021


I see there is a big boat stuck sideways in the Suez Canal. 

Tug boats are trying to pull it out. Diggers are trying to dig it out. There is talk about bringing in some big cranes and offloading some of the containers, to lighten the weight so it can float off the sandbank. But access is difficult. It may be stuck there for a while. 
There will be delays of deliveries into the UK, About 50 large ships are anchored up, in a queue, waiting to get through. 
I don't care about the electronics, toys, and clothes, which are stuck in the canal. What happens if we don't get the deliveries? We make do with whatever we have already here. We manage, we repair, we repurpose, we recycle. We would do well as a country to become more self sufficient. 
What I do care about is that animals are stuck in the blockage. People can sort themselves out, animals are trapped in cages. I hope they are getting the food and water that they require. The trade and movement of live animals should be drastically cut, in my opinion. 
It's a tad windy today, don't know if I will get a walk, we'll see how it pans out. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.    ilona 


  1. I agree Ilona re. the animals that might be stuck in limbo. A similar very sad situation is happening with a ship carrying bull calves from the middle East, stranded since December. No port will accept them - eg. Spain, etc. as they fear they might be carrying infection and I've ready today that lots have died and others are to be culled, in the region of 1000. This situation was the main reason for me voting for Brexit - to stop live exports from the UK.

    1. That story is awful, I hadn't heard about it. How humans can treat animals like that is disgusting. This whole world is riddled with evil.

    2. I agree Ilona.This world has got an evil side to it.And it is so called humans causing it.xx

  2. Yes Ilona the whole world is evil where animals concerned.thousands of dogs in other country's neglected and butchered cattle treated terribly I saw a film of cows crying real tears when there baby's snatched from them.the world has gone glad I'm in my fifty's I wouldn't want to be young now.all we can do is be kind to each other and kind to our pets I wonder where it's all heading our path is taking so many twists and turns it hard to keep upx

    1. It's heading for Globalisation. One Government, one religion. The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.