Friday, 5 March 2021

Stuck tight.

Hooooray, Bob fixed me up with some Superglue, and it worked. Strange that they didn't all fall off. Is there such a thing as different kinds of glass. 
I was going to have more coloured tops, but decided that one red top would be enough. 
The box thing was given to me, it had seeds and beans in it, with a glass front. I removed some of the dividers to make bigger compartments. It looks more black in real life than it does in the pictures. I tried to use mostly empty bottles, but some of them still have nail varnish in them. It looks quite unusual which is what I wanted to achieve. 
It was quite a nice afternoon so I went a walk. No sun but not as cold as it has been. I found these wheel trims dumped. They look in reasonable condition and  don't look as if they need replacing. Maybe someone lost one and had to buy a box of four. I didn't bother rescuing them. Maybe someone will come along who needs them. 
It's time to go to bed. Have a great weekend everyone. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. That art with the lipsticks turned out pretty, the one red top is very eye catching. I hope someone can use those wheel trims.

    1. I did mention early on that these were nail varnish bottles. Surprisingly this has taken a year to come to fruition.

  2. I think your new creation is brilliant Ilona. It reminds me of 'Girl with Balloon'by Banksy. It's the single red top amongst the dark objects. Have a good weekend!

    1. Yes, I had forgot about Banksy and the red balloon. Thanks for reminding me.

  3. Another master piece!!.It do love antiques and your work really looks the part.It would look great in a bedroom,with 6os style furniture.Glad that you got the glue sorted out.Its great when a plan comes together!I am amazed that some one would just dump those wheel trims though.I would have thought that someone who cared enough about their car,would be responsible enough to keep them in case they needed them again.And not just dump them!Well,the weekend has come around again.I cant believe just how quickly the days go by.Nothing special planned.Just a walk this morning,down my Mams this afternoon and our Saturday night Guinness with a bit of 60s music thrown in,lol.I will be so glad when we can sit in the garden in the evenings.Hope that every one has a lovely weekend.xx

    1. I almost picked them up to bring home. But they were too bulky to carry.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.