Thursday, 11 March 2021

My choice.

Big bloke, big gob, doesn't know how to interview people in a civilised manner. Often bawls them out, pushing his own opinions, not giving them a chance to answer his questions, before butting in with another rant. I can't stand him, but, he has the right to say what he likes, and I have the right to not listen. 

Same with all media material, whether written or spoken. No point in getting my knickers in a twist, when someone voices an opinion that is not in line with my own thinking. I can disregard anything that is not relevant to me. 

There is an on - off button on all devices. 

Catch ya later.   ilona


  1. I agree. Like he said, though, the TV show knew he was controversial when they hired him. They paid him big money to voice his opinion, and now they are horrified when he did! I don't like him either, I think he is a pompous ass so I don't watch him on any show.

  2. Are we talking about Piers Morgan?...I also watched it and thought that Me Gain was talking a load of crap.Harry came on as the support act.Harry needs to get his facts...right,lol.He is her puppet!.If she do women cope whos hubbies are lorry drivers,all over the country,and are at home with 3 kids?.And I will say again,he is her puppet and and been brain washed.Sorry Ilona,if I have got this comment wrong..but I would think if he had got to marry an actress,...because Me Gain is very good at that..he would have been better getting married to Tracy Barlow ,out of Coronation Street,lol,xx

  3. I can't stand him and never could. However, I am very cncerned about people with the 'wrong' point of view being destroyed by the mob.

  4. I have noticed they nearly all interupt on that programme. They ask questions when interviewing and all start talking over the person trying to reply. When the person being interviewed says, 'please let me finish', they come across as quite rude.i have stopped watching now Piers has gone because the others are not as entertaining. At least he asked the questions we want answering even if a full reply was always cut short lol.


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