Saturday, 16 October 2021

You Can't Make THEM Understand~

I needed to hear this today. I felt Patra was talking to me. It's a week since I last added to the Research page. It was incredibly hard to stop. It still is hard because all the time I am seeing new information coming out, taking the world step by step towards a new world which is at odds with what we in the western world know as freedom. Freedom which was fought for by our parents and grandparents. 
The Research page gave me a place where I could gather all the information I found. Each time I read about or saw something that was so important, I thought how can anybody carry on with a normal life while all this is going on. How come very few people are interested. How come people don't question it, and go along with whatever they are told to do. To me, this is the most important topic of today. It will affect all of our lives, the lives of our children and grandchildren, yet people seem to think it will just go away.  
Time away from the internet made me evaluate my position. All through my life I have helped people, supported them, and been there for them. I hoped that by sharing what I had found out would be of value to those who were genuinely interested to have a more balanced understanding of what is happening. People are worried, people are frightened, but the more you question it all becomes clear. 
Thank you to the people who send me supportive emails, and comments. They cancel out all the troll comments I get on a regular basis. 
The words of this lady are exactly right. I can't make anybody understand. Each and every person has the right to their own opinion, including me. This whole situation has torn me apart inside. I can see what the end game is, and it ain't pretty. I have read things, and seen things that have brought me to tears. I have struggled to believe what evils are going through people's minds. How can so few have such a hold over so many. It's happened before in history, and it's happening again. 
All I can do now, as Patara says, is to get on with my life. I have done as much as I can. 
Please look after yourselves, whatever path you choose to take. The blog will carry on. We'll catch up soon. ilona


  1. Ilona, my views and thoughts align with yours, as you know from my past comments. We must continue to Push Back and to Push Back without ceasing. As the saying goes, I will not comply. Bless your heart. I will watch that video now.

    1. Yes, Terra, Push Back we must. I hope eventually the tide will turn, it has to. People will wake up when they see the changes happening. We need to accelerate that awakening, and be proactive, not reactive.

  2. Power, control, domination, profit - it's nothing to do with true health. What a nightmare. I'm with you, Ilona. Medical freedom, informed consent, bodily autonomy - all are of vital importance to me and I won't be coerced to have something put into my body that I don't want. People make their own choices.

    1. Thank you Anna, I know that you are onboard with this. Hold the Line as they say. Be strong.

  3. I'd like to say thankyou for taking the time to upload all the useful links and information - I for one appreciated it.
    That was an interesting video up there ^^^ , I'm going to look/listen to more of her stuff. A timely post, I've just started my new prepping blog today. Onwards :)

    1. Thank you MrsL. The message is clear, when all around you are becoming fearful and burying their heads in the sand, that is the time to make plans for your own future. Good luck with the prepping.

  4. Thank you so much for posting this Ilona. I hadn't previously heard of this lady. Next stop will be her blog and other videos. The message fits perfectly with something I watched on Netflix yesterday called Minimalism. The synopsis said, "People dedicated to rejecting the American ideal that things bring happiness are interviewed in this documentary showing the virtues of less is more."

    1. She has a blog but hasn't added to it since 2015.

      She is on face - book. Updated two weeks ago.

      She is on Instagram

      If you watch this video on yooootooob there is lots of information there, she has many more videos.

    2. Thank you for the info Ilona. Like Jo, I've enjoyed reading your research. It's right of you to publish it. That way, no-one can turn round later and wish you'd told them. Everything is a choice, and each person makes their own, which may not make sense to the rest of us. 15.9% of UK adults smoke. I can't even begin to explain that one. I knew at least fifty years ago smoking was bad for you. The good news is, that if you stop smoking, your body repairs itself.

  5. Yes, it is a completely heartbreaking situation.
    I think you do have an audience if you want to post more on the research page. I know I read it faithfully. But either way, I thoroughly enjoy your blog. Thank you!

    1. Hi Jo. I sometimes feel it's an uphill struggle to get the message out. I want to carry on, but half of me says you have to leave people to get on with their own lives. But by keeping quiet, then watching how it all plays out will be heartbreaking for me. I will think I should have done more. It's a difficult place to be. Thank you for your comment.

    2. I’m grateful for your blog and your research, but do what makes you happy.

      We are definitely like minded in many ways. I pinch pennies, loathe waste, enjoy walking for my exercise, love animals and enjoy a good camp trip.

      I’m still working as my husband needs medical. Not complaining as it also allows me to increase retirement savings and prep for myself and others. Gratefully I told my boss I would not comply with a vac mandate and he said not to worry. I should be able to keep my job as long as I need it.

      I try to get the truth out to others, but many where I live in California are sheep. It’s better in parts of Texas where I am from and plan to retire, but there are those who won’t listen in Texas as well.

      I try to limit the news to reduce anxiety. I just do what I can and leave the rest to God. It helps me with the stress of the evil happening all around the world.

      Take care of yourself.

      Patti in California

    3. Thank you Patti. Hold your line. Good luck to you and your family.

  6. A very interesting video by a very interesting lady - does she have a blog I could find as well or just facebook videos?

    1. I will copy this from KH Charlie's reply above.

      She has a blog but hasn't added to it since 2015.

      She is on face - book. Updated two weeks ago.

      She is on Instagram

      If you watch this video on yooootooob there is lots of information there, she has many more videos.

  7. Thank you for this link, Ilona. I am with you all the way. We seem to be facing a future of social exclusion as punishment for non compliance. We have four adult children and two grandchildren and face the prospect of not being allowed to see them if things are tightened up again.
    The authorities will be blaming the estimated 300,000 people who have abstained here in Ireland. I have a cancer in my immune system and I fear doing anything that will aggravate that and encourage it to come out of remission. My husband has had a mini stroke in the past and doesn,t want to risk blood clots.We all have our own reasons and all valid. Happy that many have co-operated with no side effects. Not everyone would be so fortunate. We each have to psddle our own canoe now.

    1. Thank you for your story. It highlights how we are not all the same. To mandate the jabberwocky is wrong, because it creates a two tier society, which will eventually put people at war with each other. It should always be a personal choice. The next step is the health passport, which has already been approved in Scotland, Wales, Australia, Italy, Canada, and other countries. This is taking hold over the whole world. We have to say no, now, or you can kiss goodbye to your freedom forever.

  8. In Italy they have just brought in the law that people can't access employment if they don't have a vaxxxxxpasssss. Nojabnojob.

  9. The plandemic has been the biggest wealth transfer in history. It was downgraded to endemic a while back, but the fear continues.

  10. I knew from the start there was something very wrong. I have tried over and over to warn people. My comments have been met with blank looks or anger. I have stopped trying now. People have chosen their side and we are a nation divided, all by design. I have always been very self sufficent and a prepper and, since this whole thing started, I stocked up on all essential supplies, including my medication and first aid supplies. Someone came in and stole a whole load of stuff, so I am not doing that again to the same extent. What I have done is make sure the people I love are stocked up. I had to purchase most of it and ask them to 'look after it for me in case it got stolen from my house'. It was the only way to make sure they will be okay, as they don't believe there is anything wrong and the Govt will look after them if there are shortages!! The way I feel at the moment, I have simply given up. I am dreading the winter. There will be many deaths and they will be put down to covid and more jabs will be pushed. Vaccine passports, lockdowns, power cuts, serious shortages of food and other essentials. I have absolutely no idea why everyone can't see what is happening. I feel angry and heart-broken in equal measure.

    1. Hi. I am pleased that you feel confident to come on here and talk about your feelings. There are a lot of people who feel the same way. I often think stuff it, why should I bother, let them get on with it. I try and talk to people face to face, the look of bewilderment when I try and tell them why I haven't rolled my sleeve up, is enough to warn me that this is going to be an uphill struggle. They listen for five minutes and at that point I give up.

      I watched a bit of Britain's Got Talent last night. The stage was filled with brightly dressed disabled people of all ages, all with a rainbow and glitter on their faces. They did an energetic song and dance act which brought the house down. The look on their faces was a tonic, they so enjoyed what they were doing. The sheer elation when they got the Golden Buzzer said it all, and brought tears to everyone's eyes. This is what it is about. These are our future and the evil powers that be are robbing them of any normal future they might aspire to have. How can they treat children in this way.

  11. Censoring anyone who challenges the official narrative is likely to result in accounts being suspended or banned. Algorithms pick up on any spoken words which might connect the publisher to the current situation. A lot of us speak in code, knowing that those who are wise to what is going on, will be able to get the gist of it. I have just watched a yoootooober. He had some post it notes with the names of crazy people written on them. He flashed them on the screen. We know they are not crazy ;o)

  12. Ilona, I want to express my deepest thanks for all you have posted on Research. It HAS made a HUGE difference to me. I started following you as a frugality before the plannndemic. In Novvvvember, 2020, a friend clarified for me what had occurred with our UuS elllection and I found tons of evidence of it, open sourced, and started watching related court activity and Ariiiiizonnna Sennnate hearings. Then I went on a research journey of my own, and started paying closer attention to your posts. At first I thought you were "out there," then, after I discovered what Reiiiner Fuelllllmich was up to, realized these were no exaggerations. Your blog was the one European site that gave me information not so easy to find in this country, and it exposed me to more evvvidence and different viewpoints and specialists' testimony, plus postings from just plain ole people all over the world--I consider people like you to have helped save my life (I have a ton of dddruug allllergies and got sick from one flllu shot, much less the jaabbbberwocky). I will be forever grateful as all your work DID help open my eyes, and now it is clear as a bell to me what is going on. And this post/video is no exception; I had already arrived at a somewhat similar conclusion, but it really helped seal it. We have to step up for our children and grandbabies and hold our ground. And I can say that I can definitely feel that there is a rising tide in my country--where Ammmmerriicans are all very feisty and used to our freeeddoms--things are starting to heat up. Going to be interesting to see what happens, though I fear lots of death and pain. I am one of those odd people who sometimes "knows" stuff ahead of time, and, FWIW, I recently "saw" the briefest snapshot of a period 4-6 years out where the countries of the world had concluded that this "could never, never happen again" and they were working on that.

    1. Thank you Anne. I appreciate you taking time to write this. RF is a good man and working hard to fight for justice. This plan has to be stopped in it's tracks. There was a similar plan in the forties which ended with the loss of a lot of lives. It had to be done. Dictators need to be brought down. It should not be happening again. I wish you well.

  13. Ilona, excellent post! Thank you, I reviewed the YouTube and it was really well done. I agree 100%. I know people on the side where they think this authoritarianism is all good since “one life was saved”. At what cost freedom? Here in the US the battle lines are drawn, it should be really interesting to see how the next few years plays out. You and Patara are correct, nothing I have said to other people has made any difference. I will vote! And prepare for leaner times. Thank you so much for being informative and helping post useful information. You are a bright light in a world getting darker by the month. Hilogene in Az

    1. Thank you Hilly. Now you can see why the walking challenge is important, it is all about looking after yourself. We have to keep busy, making plans for the future. Good luck with your prepping.

  14. My thoughts on it all is it's all about controol and money.
    I see infection figures are rising. I know the jaabb doesn't prevent infection or passing it on to others. I says it makes symptoms milder.
    Therefore why are people being penalised for refusing the jaabb?
    And why are people avoiding unvaxxxeed people? Are employers afraid their workers will die without it? Are people afraid of friends and family dying without it? Or do people really think they won't catch it now if they are vaxxinnasted? Now that would explain infection figures rising as people feel they are fine in large crowds and are protected. But they are not. So the point of v passports is control as it can't be anything else.

    1. It's obvious isn't it Sally. Check out Catherine Austin Fitts on Bit Chute. An interview she did in August. She connects all the dots.

  15. Koa-vid passports come into play today in Scotland. No entry into nightclubs and large events without one. Does having a passport mean that you can't catch the bug and you can't spread it? No, so what is the point of it? It's about control and compliance, that's all. You could be in a club with 500 other people, all with passports, and all catch it. It doesn't keep you safe. Those who have been thingymabobed and those who haven't should stand together and reject this, because if we don't the ramifications are clear to see. More restrictions permeating through everything we say or do in our lives.

  16. ITALY - violence and water cannons, as police are sent to remove striking civilians.

    No right to protest & no right to work. The tragedy is these people are fighting for their lives & livelihoods, whilst the world does nothing.

    1. Quote from a tweeeeeet
      I'm Italian and can confirm that reports are accurate. On Telegram endless videos of violent attacks that include batons, water cannons, tear gas and forced removal.

  17. I’ve tried to watch that video several times… she rambled and gets distracted by birds, etc. not really sure what her points are… but I “might” not agree with her. 🤷‍♀️
    If people are trying to say something meaningful, I appreciate them being clear and succinct.
    Just my take.
    I do enjoy your blog however and appreciate your own style of clear communication.

    1. She is choosing her words very carefully, because anyone saying anything that is at odds with the official narrative will be accused of peddling misinformation, and will be taken down. I have no problem understanding her because I have followed the saga from the start.


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